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The faint beeping sounded through the room as I held tight to one of Austin's lifeless hands. I couldn't take my eyes off his face, scared that he would leave me. The police had talked to me may times today about what had happened and maybe the reason behind Austin being shot.

"Lilly..." His voice was quiet but I heard it.

"Austin." I felt tears prick my eyes as it did many times today.

"Please don't ever leave me. Be my girlfriend again?" Austin looked at me with pleading hazel eyes.

I nodded as tears started steaming down my cheeks again. Austin lifted my hand to his lips, pressing a small kiss over my promise ring which I had never taken off.

"You never took it off." Austin said, the smile in his voice caused me to look up at him.

I forced a smile as I nodded in agreement. I couldn't take it off, it was one of the few things I had of him. I loved him.

"Ms. Grace?" A voice asked from the open door.

I turned to look at the doctor who stepped in the room. I rose so I was standing next to Austin.

"Austin is gonna be just fine. In a few weeks he'll be able to perform again and everything will go back to normal. If anything else comes up about why he was shot, please let the police know."

I nodded as my whole body relaxed. I know that Austin was okay, but damage could have been done other than just shooting him.

"Lilly, I forgot to tell you something." Austin said next to me.

"What?" I asked as I turned to face him once again.

He wrapped a wired arm around my waist pulling me down to him.

"I love you." He whispered before he kissed me.

It was the best feeling in the world when he kissed me. So much passion and meaning. And I returned just as much as he put in.

"My eyes!" A voice yelled from across the room.

We parted and turned to see who the owner of the voice might be. It was none other than Dave. His large figure standing in the door way as he covered his eyes with his hands.

"Sorry Dave." Austin laughed.

"I'm gonna give you guys some space." Dave slowly backed out of the room, letting me door shut.

I turned back to Austin when his coughing filled the room. I put my hand on his back lightly rubbing in a confuting way.

"I'm okay, Lilly. You should get some sleep." Austin whispered.


Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. I just started school again so it's been hard trying to find time to write.

Thanks for being patent.

-Bella <3

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