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**Austin's POV**

It's been two days with Lily unconscious. After her dad shot her in the lower stomach we took her to the hospital. I haven't left her side since we got here.

I sat in the fluffy chair next to Lily's white hospital bed. She had tubes and wires all over her. I watched the steady rise and fall of her breathing.

Dave and my mom walked in. Mom walked over to me taking my other hand that wasn't holding on to Lily's.

"How is she?" Mom asked.

"Same. Her heart beat is back to normal and the wound has stopped bleeding." I said not taking my eyes of Lily.

"I brought you and Lily some clothes for a week. The doctor said that when she wakes up there gonna keep her for a week to see how she feels." My mom set a duffle bag at my feet and Dave set another by the edge of the couch.

"Thanks." I said and turned back to Lily.

"Austin, she will be ok." Mom rested her hand on my shoulder.

I heard her sigh and leave the hospital room. Dave turned on the TV, I keep my eyes locked on Lily, taking in every detail of her face.

High cheek bones, long black eye lashes, light pink full lips. Her smooth skin. Perfectly scalped jaw. Long brown hair that had natural highlights of lighter brown and blonde running through it like a smooth stroke of a paint brush.

Dave said something about getting something to eat and left. I closed my eyes and laid my head on the small space on the bed next to her.

I was almost asleep when fingers played with my hair. Slowly I raised my head up to meet blue eyes that sparkled back at me.

I couldn't find the words to say to her. She just took me over by the way her eyes searched through mine. I could feel a small smile spreading across my face.

"How do you feel?" I asked, rubbing my thumb on her's.

"Like I was shoot." She answered, "I'm feeling better."

"You really scared me. I thought I lost you." I said shyly.

"You would have found someone better." She said.

My head snapped up and my mouth hung open.

"No! You're everything to me. Nobody can replace you." I said loudly.

All the sudden her eyes showed pain. I yelled in a nurse who said they needed to give her a pain shot, and it would make her sleepy for a few hours.

I washed as she gave Lily the shot and checked her blood pressure. She left and Lily's eyes started to droop. I kissed her forehead and took hold if her hand again. She gave one last squeeze before falling asleep.


"Austin." Someone's voice called out.

I opened my eyes after realizing I had fallen asleep. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked around the hospital room to see who might have said my name.

My eyes meet Lily's blue ones. She smiled and moved over in the white hospital bed to make room for me. I slid in next to her. Lily wasn't covered in cords and tubes anymore only a couple.

We locked our fingers together.

"How do you feel?" I asked, running my thumb over her's.

"Fine. I'm just glade your finally awake." She over exaggerated.

"So that's why a cub hit me." I looked over at my chair that was circled in trash.

She blushed lightly and turned to face the TV. The Notebook was on and she was staring at the screen. I rubbed my hand on her side and hugged her to me.

"I love you, Lily bear." I whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Austy." She said back.

I kissed along her jaw and pressed a light kiss to her cheek. Lily rolled over to face me. Her arms snaked around my torso, her head resting on my chest. I held her closely. I smiled at her warmth and love she showed.

Dave walked in and change to the Notebook to football. Lily pressed her face against my chest. I laughed.

Soon enough we were all passed out. Me and Lily asleep in the hospital bed and Dave on the couch.

A Little More Love (Austin Mahone fantic)Where stories live. Discover now