Chapter 9

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~Credits to owner of the picture above~

Hiro POV

"Hiro, you better run!" Taka chases after me as with a huge smile on his face "You'll never find me brother!" I say as I continue to run. I look around me to the forest that surrounds me. Tall green trees, long deep brown trunks that stand up to miles on end. Birds hopping from limb to limb tweeting back and forth to each other.  

I am completely lost in my surroundings with a huge smile spread across my face as I play with Taka. My mom always tells us we are insuperable even when I was born her would never let me go. Knowing Taka would do anything to protect me gives me a since of reassurance in life. 

Taka told me once when we where younger that he would do anything and everything to protect me from all the darkness and wrongs in the world. He has been my protector through all of the hard ships. Even when we fight he is still there by my side even if I irritated him he never leaves me. 

I turn around to see that Taka had stopped following me and had disappeared leaving me alone and wondering in the woods.. I look up to the sky and see the sun is setting.. Maybe he got distracted by a pretty flower for mom.. or maybe I was just to fast for him, and his is trying to catch up. 

I walk a little ways back and forth playing with a stick bug on a tree branch as it walks all wobbly trying to blend in with nature to protect its self. I poke it making it fall over onto the ground and begin to fly away. I watch it as it flutters up into the sky and drifts off past the now lower than before sun... Maybe.. he got hurt... I look around to see if he was near me, but see nothing but thick woods around me.. 

"Brother?" I walk back a little ways that I came from twirling my fingers anxiously and bitting the sides of my cheek  as I look for Taka looking behind every big tree, and small rock hoping he would magically jump out of nowhere... I hate being alone... 

I  look up towards the sky and see it has began to turn a light grayish blue the sun is no longer insight when I hear a loud crack from somewhere behind me  and the rustling of a bush making me jump. My heart beats as if it was trying to escape so I tap on my chest a couple of times.. "It was just a bird.. nothing else.."  I try convincing myself in order to stay as calm as possible.. I have never been left alone in the woods like this, and my minds is already starting to make things up that aren't really there. 

The feeling of Someone watching me makes the fine hairs on my arm raise and cold chills to run through my body sending goose bumps along my skin.... Another loud crack goes off somewhere behind me causing me to jump..   there is someone there... I can feel it.. I turn around quickly hoping to catch whatever was behind me, but nothing is there... Fear spreads through my small body making it hard to breath.. I'm going to die.. someone is trying to kill me.. 

"T-taka..." I say barely able to whisper it as my breathing is hitched in my throat by tears... Shadows start to creep around me. I want to cower in fear, but I can't let them get me... I begin to run.. 

I wipe away the tears from my eyes so I can see where I am going but in the mist of that I trip and fall  causing me to hit my head on something hard knocking the breath out of me. I look up and see the shadow getting closer towards me. Panic fills my head and I just let out a  scream wishing I could go home..... 

"Hiro?!!" Taka says as he comes out of the bushes and tuns over towards me with worry written all over his face. 

"Are you okay?" He says as he looks me up and down then pulls me into a tight hug trying to sooth my sobs. "where did you disappear to? I was looking all over for you..."  He rocks me back and forth  reassuring me that he has me.. 

"W-where w-were you?" I manage to get out as the tears continue to fall as I feel betrayed that he left me. I was alone.. and had to fight off the darkness, and he was nowhere near to help me.. 

"You promised you would never leave me!" I hit his chest with my tiny fist "You promised Taka!!" I hit his chest again letting out my frustration. I want to punch him away and be mad at him, but I am also so very happy he found me and is by my side again... 

Hurt, and sorrow replaced the worry as Taka pulls me into a tighter hug and rubs my back reassuringly "I know.. I know.. I am so so sorry Hiroki... I promise... I will NEVER leave you again..." 

The sobs that once shook my body began to ease knowing my brothers words were nothing but truth.. "Promise?" He pulls back and looks me in the eyes with a serious look "I swear."  He holds out his pinky and I take it making this promise last forever with a bond holding pinky promise. 

I wake up to tears in my eyes. Funny the things your brain makes you dream of when you are going through a though time huh.... 

I wipe away the tears in my eyes and look down at my phone... "Lex..." All I remember before I passed out last night was telling Lexy I was sorry...  Shit.. she must be a worried wreak right now.. 

I quickly grab my phone and dial her number "We're sorry, but you call can not be directed as dialed. Please try calling back or please leave a message after the tone.." I call back but the same thing.. 

I must have called over twenty times before I just gave up and dropped my phone to the ground.... 

I feel my legs go weak.. I drop to the ground looking blankly out into the night sky... How am I supposed to be a father, and a good husband when I can't even handle stress? 

I must have passed out from an anxiety attack... Haven't had one of those in couple of years.. since I met Lex actually.... 

I fucked up... 

Fading Away(A Hiroki & Takahiro Moriuchi Fanfic) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now