Chapter 2

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A month after the outbreak, Jesse and I decided to go out to town just to see if there were any survivors. When we got to the main area of the town, it was a mess. Things were on fire, windows were smashed, animals were on the streets, and there was trash everywhere. It looked straight out of a post-apocalyptic movie. "Damn." Jesse said as we got out of his car. It all seemed like a bad dream until I stepped in a deep puddle of blood.

"Yeah, you're right." I said. Jesse and I were both wearing rucksacks to carry supplies. We also were armed with baseball bats in case any zombies tried to attack us. We had parked behind an old abandoned gas station that had been up for sale for months before the apocalypse started. It would've been hard for someone to find his car. There was a Target nearby, so we planned to scavenge for supplies there.

When we approached the Target, half of the doors were missing. There was blood on one of the doors, which wasn't a good sign. There could have been a army of zombies in there for all we knew. When we walked in, the lights were still on. We were very lucky. We walked into the Target, carefully avoiding the splotches of blood scattered all over the floor.

"This is some nasty shit." Jesse said as he stepped in a blood puddle. It seemed as if there was blood all over this town. I looked at a wall; it had blood writing on it. It said: "beware the volatile", I didn't know what it meant, but I was really scared. Why would someone put a warning on the wall. And what the fuck was a volatile? Jesse looked at it for a minute. "I don't want to stick around here for very long because I don't want to find out what a volatile is." He said, worried. "You said it." I replied. "Where should we go first?" "I don't know Riley, we should start with the frozen foods section." We already had pounds of frozen food at home, it wasn't like we needed any more. Still, more food equals more time in the house for safety.

We walked to the frozen isle. More blood. I saw half of the frozen foods were stolen, but some were there. I smiled at Jesse. We both ripped open the doors, the stuffed frozen food and snacks into our rucksacks. "I wasn't expecting all of this food to be here, I thought it was going to be stripped clean." "Well, it is now." I said. There was nothing left in the freezers. It had all been in our backpacks. The food that we just collected would last maybe a month or two if we were lucky.

Everything else in the frozen isle was gone, so we moved onto the video game section. It was surprisingly full. "Aw yeah!" Jesse said as he rushed over to the Xbox and PlayStation games. He only took a few dozen games, then we were off on our merry way to the exit.

Just then, I heard intense growling behind us. I saw a zombie. It was standing up, ready to rush at us. I gripped my baseball bat tightly, looking at Jesse. His were He looked confident, but not confident enough to run towards the zombie.

"Oh shit." I said as we took off. "RUN!" Jesse yelled. We ran at an incredible speed, adrenaline making us run like Usain bolt on steroids. But the zombie was gaining. If it weren't for the backpacks, we would have left the zombie in the dust. It got closer. And closer. It tried to grab me, but I was took quick and took a swung at it's face.

It got knocked back, then fell face down on the ground. Blood started to pool around it's face. I think I might have killed it, but I didn't want to stick around and wait for it to get back up. I dared not to look back. Jesse was also too scared to look back, running at an incredible speed. We ran outside, then saw something terrifying. It was a zombie and it had pale bloody skin crouched down eating a dead carcass. The dead carcass wasn't there before, how in the world did it get there?

The zombie got up, it was really tall. About six foot three, with rotting flesh. it screamed a loud, ear piercing scream that I'll never forget. Jesse and I covered our ears and stopped running, the sound was so irritating and loud. The zombie starting to sprint towards us. We both knew it was time to go. We ran faster than we've ever ran in our life. When we finally got to the car, we got in and locked the doors. "Quick, in the back!" I yelled. Luckily for us, Jesse had a big huge blanket in the backseat of his car, so we hid under that together.

I could hear that zombie that chased us in the parking lot screaming that loud scream. Jesse and I covered our ears, praying that it would go away and move on with it's business. After ten minutes, it went back to the carcass, which was only fifty meters away from where we were. We thought that the zombie was gone, so we got out of the backseat and then went to the front. As Jesse readjusted his glasses, I was catching my breath.

"Was that a volatile, like the message in Target?" I asked. "Could be, whoever wrote that had to have seen a volatile and wanted to warn other people about it." "It was like a super zombie!" "It ran twice as fast as a regular zombie!" Jesse was smiling for some weird reason. Did he think that was fun? "What if, there are other kinds of zombies, like huge mutated ones?" "Then we better avoid them." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Remember how that volatile was eating that carcass?" I asked. "Yeah?" Jesse replied. "Well, that carcass looked really heavy, how did that thing carry it?" "It must be strong, since it's a super zombie." Jesse replied. "I think it's still there." "Then how do we get past it?" "Gun the engine, then run it over." I replied.

Jesse started the engine and then pulled out from behind the gas station. The volatile saw us before we saw it. Jesus, did this thing have x-ray vision? Or did it have super hearing? It ran towards us like a bullet. "Go, Go, Go!" I yelled to Jesse. "I'm going fast as I fucking can!" Jesse yelled back. Speeding, we ran over the Volatile, crushing it. That seemed to do it. I looked back; the thing was on the ground, It moved a bit; but It was not getting back up again, that was for sure. Jesse drove home as fast as he could, on the edge the whole time he was driving. "No more supply runs without proper weapons." I said. "Yeah, we're going to need a rocket launcher." Jesse joked. "Like we even are gonna." I mumbled as I looked outside the window, looking back at a fiery building.

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