Chapter 16

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 I was going to tell her to stop, but I let that thought go. I wasn't the type of guy to get laid with some girl that I barely knew. Jesse sure was. I remember the time that I heard moaning coming from upstairs. The good old days. But I needed to focus on what was happening right now. Brittany's glossy red high heels made a clacking sound on the stone road. She laughed as we ran, but I felt bad about the whole situation. I should have felt good, but I felt as if I were betraying Jesse. In fact, I was. He had gotten over her, but I had a feeling that I wouldn't if I hung out with her for one day. But just look at Brittany. She was probably the prettiest girl in Edgewood. Her blonde hair flapped in the wind when she walked. She had an amazing body. It was just too much for me to resist.

When we got to her apartment, I was amazed. It was the same size as ours; I was expecting a huge house. But she was as middle class as us. Brittany unlocked the front door as we walked in. Once we were both inside, she locked the door and threw the key down on the table next to us. We both took off our shoes and put them right by the door. "Come on Riley." I smiled. I finally accepted the fact of what was happening right now. As we ran up the stairs, I had butterflies in my stomach. Was this really happening right now?

When we got into her room, it was unbelievable. There were posters of One Direction and Five Seconds Of Summer everywhere on the walls. Magazines lay on the dresser next to her bed, along with some nail polish. A hair curler was on the floor, still hot. I got on the bed and looked at Brittany. She took off her tube top, revealing a strapless bra. Next came her skirt. It was tiny, only four inches long. I wonder how many guys stared at her in one whole day.

She was about to take off her bra when she looked like she had just remembered something. She gasped. "Oh wait." She said as she reached over to the dresser. She bent down to the lowest cabinet, showing her butt at me. I couldn't help myself; I just stared at it until she got up. "I'm sorry." She said as she held up a syringe with liquid inside of it. My expression turned to fear. "No, please don't do this." I backed away from her. I fell off the bed onto my butt. It ached, but I still backed away. "It's okay; it'll only hurt a little." "I can hurt you." But that was an empty threat. I wouldn't hurt Brittany. Unless my life was in danger, which I thought it was at that moment. She came closer. I backed away. There was only a meter of space left behind me before Brittany would get close enough to inject me with whatever substance was inside that tube. Then my back hit the wall.

As Brittany closed in, I swung with my fist. She caught it, which surprised me. While I was distracted with that, she tried to stab me. I held the tube, saving myself at the right time. Brittany growled and pushed me against the wall with force. As she picked up the syringe, I jumped on her. I meant to knock the wind out of her, but she was just too strong. Was she formerly in the WWE? Or was she an ex-army recruit? She was strong alright. We wrestled for the syringe, eventually getting back onto the bed. This was not how I wanted to die. Then it happened.

She pushed the syringe into my leg, cutting through my uniform. "AGH!" I screamed. Brittany let go of the syringe, it fell to the ground. She kissed me on the cheek just to make me feel like I was going to die. I'm not gonna lie, I hated that feeling. The feeling that I would never see Jesse or Paul again, it was just too much for me. The last thing that I saw before I passed out was last vision was her on top of me, smiling. But not an evil smile, a smile of pity.

When I woke up, my mouth felt like cotton and my head ached. I opened my eyes to see Brittany standing there, dressed in the same outfit as before. "Hey, you awake?" I slowly opened my eyes. I felt weak, like my strength was sapped from me. Looking around, I could see that I lay down on a bed inside a small room. The only piece of furniture was a dresser. It had a bottle of Gatorade on it, one of those sixty four ounce bottles. "Here." She said as he handed me the bottle of Gatorade. I was going to say something, but I kept my mouth shut. As I was gulping down the Gatorade, some fell onto my shirtless chest. I didn't care. In less than a minute, the bottle was empty. Now I felt like I had my strength back. Now to get to the bottom of this whole situation; I was sure that Brittany would answer all the questions that I had.

"Why?" "Shh." She held a finger to her lips, motioning for me to be quiet. She got on top of me, not to be inappropriate, but to soothe me. She rested her head on my chest. I put my arm around her. "You know, I do that because I'm told to." I smiled; I don't think that she could tell. "Yeah, I know. I'm lying on you like a girlfriend." She kissed me. "Well maybe I am." "So who told you to do this to me?" "Harold and Bernie decided that it was time for you to kill the minister." My mouth dropped open.

How did she know Harold or the Minister? Harold had told me that no one had ever even seen the guy. Brittany held a finger to her lips again. "Everything will be okay." She closed her eyes. I could smell her hair; it was the best thing in the world. After five minutes of her lying on top of me, she got off. "So, are you ready?" "I guess so." I got up. I was only wearing my pants. My boots and socks were right by the door. Once I had put them on, I looked around for my shirt. "Don't bother." "I need it to look presentable." "It'll be alright." I sighed. Brittany was good at assuring people. She opened the door before me, as she did, I could see a wave of people. Were these the same people that I saw when I was with Harold? They had to be, because I saw Harold in the corner, puffing his cigar. He walked up to me with a smile. He smelled horrible but I didn't care.

This place looked familiar. Then it hit me: I was in Harold's "basement". It was more like an underground stadium. "OKAY!" I yelled. I only said that to calm them down. Once the people did, Harold started to talk. "So Riley, right now it is two in the afternoon. That gives us enough time to kill the minister. Now why are we killing him? Good question. He's the one who's been using Trager to mutate the zombies. He's the real killer." "Okay, go on."

"Now your job is to get inside city hall. That's where the minister lives. By the time you do, I and a team will secure Trager and make him give us the formula. And these people," Harold waved his hand at the crowd of two thousand people. "Are willing to give up their lives for you. In one hour, we will invade city hall." Everyone cheered after Harold said that. I was going to kill the minister? Why? That wasn't the kind of person that I was. Just because someone tells me to kill somebody, doesn't mean I will. "This is your destiny!" Harold screamed to the crowd. It was. It had to be. My destiny was to kill the minister.

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