Chapter 15

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The backpack suddenly felt heavy as I lay on the eggs. I could feel them slowly crushing. It felt unconformable, but at least was killing young volatile babies. The volatile pack had retreated, but they would be back. I had to get out, and fast. As I got up, blood dripped off me. I was already used to it, so I gave no notice and continued down the dark hallway. At one point, I needed to pee. I went in the corner and started to do my business. Once I was done, I hear a volatile screech coming towards me.

I fell to the ground, not moving at all. It walked right past me, like it always did. I let out a sigh and continued down the hallway. When I got to the blood pool; I could see that there was nothing there. I looked up; I seeing the tiniest glimmer of sunlight. Just within my reach. It could've been my mind playing tricks on me, but I could've sworn there was light there. I looked around for a loose board and found one, hanging off the side of the wall. It must have come off when the staircase fell. In fact, there were several boards still intact to the wall.

I grabbed the loose board and pulled myself up. I kept repeating this until I got to the top. I could see more sunlight, but it was still pretty dark on the main level of the townhouse. I flicked on my flashlight. Behind me, I could hear volatile screeches. I looked down to see a dozen volatiles screeching. I dropped the flashlight and covered my ears. Forget the flashlight, I've gotta get out of here! One of them started to climb up; I wasted no time. I ran and purposely dropped the backpack with the C4. The detonator was still in my hand as I sprinted towards the door. I was going to make it until the volatile jumped on top of me. "Get off!" I screamed, but I forgot that volatiles don't speak English.

Then something terrifying happened. The volatile's mouth split into two pieces. Each millimeter of the skin had teeth on it. They looked to be as sharp as a scalpel. I struggled with the volatile, but it's arms were strong. It was about to sink the teeth into my face before I pulled out my machete and slashed it's rotting neck. As I did this, blood poured out onto my uniform and onto my face. I think I may have killed it, but I wasn't sure. I pushed it off with my legs, getting blood all over my boots. I put my machete back and took a breath.

I quickly got up, adrenaline pushing me. I still carried the detonator in my hand while rushing to get out of the townhouse. As I jumped out the doorway, I thanked myself for moving the door out of the way earlier. I didn't want to look back, for all I knew; the volatile was still pursuing me. I sprinted for a few more seconds before my lungs gave out. As I fell to the ground, I pushed the button on the detonator.

I heard an explosion behind me, but I gave no notice. I was still trying to catch my breath. I panted like a dog on a summer day. I tried to get up. Once I succeeded, I could see the volatile that I sliced coming towards me. As it ran, it bled. Once it got up close to me, I yelled for help but it was no use. I pulled my machete out but it was too fast. It was a smart creature. It squeezed my hand until I gave in and let go of the machete.

Then it held my hands down and got close to my face. It's breath smelled like raw meat. It came in for the kill, but then it's head got blown off with a bullet. It had to be a big bullet, because volatiles are not easy to kill. It fell onto me as I thanked my luck. I pushed the volatile off of me and tried to figure out where the shot came from. I looked behind me to see Tobias in his uniform, carrying a desert eagle pistol. Desert eagle pistols weren't a joke. The bullets that came out of them were as big as a grown man's thumb.

He held it up to his mouth and blew the smoke coming from the barrel. "You're welcome." "How-where-aren't you supposed to-" Tobias held a finger to his lips, motioning for me to be quiet. I smiled with thankfulness. He offered me his hand, I took it. I got up and smiled. As we walked to the gates, we talked.

"So you picked the most badass weapon to save me?" "Yup." "Anything as far as an M9 would work. But still Tobias, that was pretty Badass." We laughed while walking through the gates. Once we had gotten to Bernie's office, he was delighted. He had seen everything trough his window. I hoped that we had a good mission report.

"So you say that there were almost fifteen volatiles?" "Yeah. At first I saw three, and then a dozen more showed up." "Ah." "I ran out, and Tobias was right there to save me." Bernie looked at him with satisfaction. "If it weren't for him, I would've been dead by now." I glanced at Tobias. "I owe you my life, brother." "It's really nothing Riley." We all stopped talking for a second. "Okay!" "Good mission!" "Now go enjoy your weekend, it's Friday!" Tobias and I got up and started to walk out of his office. We shut the door and walked out. I had forgotten it was Friday. No one really kept track of the days, we were in an apocalypse for god's sake.

After saying good-bye to Tobias, I started to walk home. I felt good yet crappy, like I needed something good. The reason why I felt that way was because I had been sprayed in blood all day. But I had took a shower at the building's locker room and changed into a fresh uniform. It was worth it though, doing that mission. It was an uncomfortable experience. But look on the bright side, I had surely earned trust out of Bernie. He seemed delighted, so that was a good sign.

But I still felt a little bad. Maybe a cheap pizza and beer would do the trick. That's what I was going to do, until I saw her. It was Brittany. She wore a black miniskirt along with a leopard themed tube top. she looked pretty. I already was tempted to ask her to spend the night with me. But no, I had to stay strong. For Paul and Jesse. She walked towards me. I knew she had only come near me for a reason. A bad one. She was going to try to get off with me. I was kind of looking forward for that. I felt so damn guilty for thinking that.

 A bead of sweat poured down my face as she approached me. I wiped it off with my hand, nervous. "So Riley." Brittany said. "What do you say we have a little fun tonight?" I gulped down. I wanted to say yes, but what would Riley think of me? Would he be mad? I had no idea. "Why are you asking me that? I have better things to do then mess around with girls." "Are you sure, I'll show you something special of mine." I felt like I was making a life decision right then. I was having a bad day anyways. All I needed was a good night. I put on a fake face of happiness. "Sure." I said. I had no idea what I was walking into. Hopefully it was somewhat good. I needed something good to distract me, right?

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