Alois x Male Reader

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I sigh as the carriage makes its way to the Trancy manor, even though I'm the Phantomhive's 2nd butler. Well it all started when my master made a bet with Alois and the bet was that who could get more people at their house for a small party. It started off as a small argument but then it escalated to where I got involved.


"Oh yeah?! Well I bet that I could get more people at a party than you!" Ciel shouts at the smirking blonde across from him. Me, Sebastian, and Claude were standing to the side and we're watching the whole thing go down, not wanting to get in the middle of it.
Alois smirked wider.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes!"Ciel was beyond pissed. He was at the point where he would say anything now and later is where he realized what he actually did.
"I'll bet you anything!" And there it is.
Alois perked up at this and looked over at me. He then looked back at Ciel and stood up.
"If I win then you have to hand over you butler over there" he pointed at me "for a month!" He declared.
'Wait what? Wait I know my master he would never do th-'
'What?!' My eyes were widen at my master as his eyes widen at what he said.
"Wait I change my mi-"
"Nope you already said it! Too late now!" Alois giggles as he ran out of the room, his butler right behind.

     Ciel sighs and slumps over his desk, head in hands as I stare at him with my mouth agape as a snickering Sebastian stood next to me.
(Now imagine this in chibi XD)
*Flashback over*

The carriage comes to a stop and I open the doors and get out of the carriage. I look up and see the Trancy manor in all its glory. I take my things and walk up to the doors and I knock twice and let my hand fall back to my side. There was a few seconds of silence till the door opens revealing a butler with sharp golden yellow eyes. I could tell that he wasn't human but I keep that to the back of my mind. his gaze could pierce a soul if wanted.

"Hello Mr.(L/N)." he says and steps to the side to let me in. When I get inside I look around and before I can know what's going on a certain blonde tackles me making me stumble but I don't fall. He was giggling like a child and he then takes my hands in his.

"I'm so happy your here! were gonna have so much fun!" he says with a cheery smile on his face and his eyes held childish happiness and something else...

He looks at his butler and his cheeriness changes.

"Claude take his stuff to his room, now." he says with seriousness. Hm he might be bipolar. That or there might be something else. He then looks back at me and pulls me to the garden.

"Come on we'll play hide and seek in the garden!" he says with new found childishness(?). Yep probably bipolar.

*Three weeks and four days later, cause Author-chan is lazy*

     Its been three weeks and living with Alois has been very interesting. He likes to play and when he's in his study he likes to have my hand on rubbing his thigh while doing work. Sometime things were weird and sometimes I got to know the kid better. It was currently nighttime and I was reading in my room, since I wasn't tired yet and it was storming and lightning outside. There was a candle on my nightstand giving me light so I could read and see and the sound of water drops hitting the roof was quite calming. I had the room across from Alois's and I heard my door being opened making me look up. I saw Alois with his head down and he was in his night gown while he had his hand on the door knob. He let his hand fall and he slowly made his way towards my bed. He was acting strange and a look of concern made its way to my face.

"Alois, is there something wrong?" I asked closing my book with my finger as the book mark. That's when I heard a small sniff. He was at the side of my bed and he still had his head down and he just stood there sniffling a little.

"Alois?" I ask again and I reach my hand over and gently tilt his head up and shows his face. He had tears streaming down his face and he looked like he was crying for a few minutes cause his eyes were red and he was sniffing a little more. He was trying to hold the tears in, I could see, and it seemed that he couldn't hold them much longer.

"Are you ok?" that one question set him off and he broke down. He started to sob and he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried he face in my chest, making my button up long sleeve a little wet, but I didn't care at the moment.

       I always thought that he didn't ever take anything seriously, was childish, and didn't really care about anyone but this isn't what I could ever imagine him doing at all. This was a whole other side of him. This was the poor broken boy that no one has ever seen.' So this is what I say in his eyes when I first came to this manor. Sorrow and Sadness.' I thought as I looked down at the boy in front of me. I pulled him to my lap and I started to pat and rub his back to comfort him. He sobbed for about five minutes and his sobs soon turned into small whimpers and sniffles. I ran my fingers through his soft blonde locks, calming him down a little bit. I kept running my fingers though his hair and I started to talk, breaking the silence.

"Alois, can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask looking down at him. He looks up and tears up a little but not much and answers.

"Your gonna leave me, aren't you." he said in a quivering voice. My eyes widen a little as I hear him.

"What do you mean 'leave you'?" I ask looking into his sky blue eyes.

"Your gonna leave me once the month is up. your gonna leave me like everyone else aren't you?!" he says screaming a little. I took me back a little bit when he says this and my eyes soften. A small smile makes its way to my face as I keep stroking his hair and I chuckle a little. His eyes then held a little rage.

"Why are you laughing?!" he asks tears starting to fall again. I look him in the eyes and I stop laughing and I rest my hand on his cheek making him freeze and his face has a bit of shock.

"Because I love you idiot." I say and I lean in and kiss him, book on the floor, forgotten. He has a second of shock but he leans into the kiss and lazily wraps his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his waist. I then swipe my tongue across his bottom lip and he teasingly keeps his mouth shut with a small smirk. I then reach my hand down and I pinch his butt and he gasps allowing me to dart my tongue in. He moans as our tongues battle for dominance and I won. I don't let any part of his mouth go undiscovered and he moans as I suck on his bottom lip as we pull away for air. We stare at each other and we were panting slightly. I smile and take his cheeks into my hand and kiss his nose making him giggle. I wipe his slightly dried up tears and he rests his head on my chest.

"I will  never leave you Alois, I promise." I say while looking in front of me. I felt him stiffen a little and he looks up at me with a surprised face.


"Of course. I love you Alois."

"I love you too (M/N). Thank you for not leaving me." he says

I lean over and kiss his forehead and I lay down with him still laying on me and I pull the covers over us and I blew out the candle. He snuggles into my chest and we fall asleep into a peaceful sleep.

*Hey cupcakes! I updated a while ago about the 1k thing and I'm almost to 100 votes. Yay! I know it isn't much but it feels like an accomplishment to me and I decided to make this update for the 1k thing. hope you enjoyed, bye bye!*

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