Leslie x Doctor male reader

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( there aren't much evil within stuff so I thought I would make a one shot also bad language is presented)

Leslie was on his bed in the small room of an asylum, with folded hands and slightly rocking back and forth thinking about a certain Doctor. There was only one doctor Leslie would trust and feel comfortable around. (M/N) (L/N). He was actually the owner of the asylum and the first asylum to have the rule 'don't harm patients EVER'. And Leslie loved that rule. But right now was the time when doctor (L/N) would come and give Leslie his pills but he didn't come, another one came. He had black hair that had a few noticeable grey hairs and green eyes. He had a scowl on his face and didn't seem like he was friendly.

"Alright 6247 it time to take your pills." He said using Leslie's cell number and opened the steel door, making a small creak that made Leslie flinch. Leslie looked up at him and saw it wasn't (M/N).

" no.....no....only (M/N)..only (M/N)." Leslie was muttering to himself scooting closer to the wall to get away from the man. His whispers soon started to get louder.

" no. no. No. NO!" Leslie started to scream while gripping his snow white hair in his hands. The doctor walked a little closer to him and tried to calm him down by holding his arms out in a stop sorta way ( I don't know)

"No! No! NO! NO!!" Leslie's screams and shouts go louder and the doctor had enough and called for other nurses and doctors to come. Three nurses and a doctor came rushing in and eyes wide in fear of what was happening

"Hold him down so I can give him the damn medicine!"

"But sir we are supos-"

"I don't give a shit! Just hold him down damn it!"

The nurses jumped a little and scurried  over to the screaming patient who was trying to get away from them. They pinned down each of his limbs and the doctor got close, ready to shove the pills down his throat.

"What on earth is going on here!" The sound of a booming voice made all the doctors and nurses freeze and turn there head toward the sound. Leslie got out of there hold and ran over to (M/N).

"Help. Help. Help!" Leslie screamed as doctor (L/N) wrapped and arm around Leslie's shoulder to protect him.

"What are you doing?! Did you forget our first rule!? I outta fire you for this!" (M/N) screamed at the doctor and the rest were by the corner scared for what there boss was gonna do.

"But he refused to take his-"

"I do not care! You are to not treat patients that way in any situation!"

The doctor opened his mouth to say more but he just shut it and left the room while mumbling. (M/N) looked at the other workers making them flinch, never seeing this side of their boss before. He then smiled, his anger completely gone and spoke while ushering Leslie to the bed.

"Sir we-" the nurse began to say before (M/N) cut her off.

"It's alright, just down take orders like that from anyone, especially James. Now you all can return to your normal routine." He said in a calm voice. They all nod and leave the room, closing the door behind them. (M/N) looks at Leslie and smiles warm- heartedly.

"Are you ok Leslie?" He asked ribbing Leslie's back to comfort him. Leslie stopped shaking a little and nodded.

"fine...fine...fine..." Leslie was back to whispering again and (M/N) reached over to the metal table and grabbed the pill bottle. He took out one pill and looked back at Leslie.

"Leslie?" He said quietly not wanting to scare him.

"Hm?" Leslie hummed looking at the doctor.

"Can you take the pill now?" Leslie looked down at the pill in the doctors hand and after a few seconds he slowly reached out with a shaky hand and grabbed the pill.

" pill...pill...fine..fine" Leslie put the pill in his mouth and swallowed making the doctor smile.

"There you go, all better?"

" better. better. better."

(M/N) leaned down and kissed Leslie's forehead, making him grow the faintest smile and (M/N) sat on the bed with him.

And for the rest of the day and till Leslie fell asleep, (M/N) stayed with Leslie to keep him company.

( Sorry if I sucked it's 10 at night and I needed to finish this plus I tired as heck)

Various Male!Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now