Dipper x Male Reader

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Dippers POV

I was at the shack and me and Mable were helping Stan with the shop. Mable was looking at boys from behind the counter, Wendy was at the cash register looking bored and I was dressed in as a werewolf with itchy pants, a tail, and a headband with ears on it. Another group came in and I looked at all the people who were stupid enough to come in here, but one caught my eye. A boy with a bored look on his face, who looked like he was 14, that had (H/L) (H/C) and beautiful (E/C) orbs that shinned in the light. He was wearing a (F/C) hoody, blue jeans, and (2F/C) converse. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as I stared at him while he was on his phone. He was gorgeous. 'Wait what?! No, Dipper! You are not a school girl! Wait he's looking my way! Look somewhere else!' I adverts my eyes and looked the opposite direction as my cheeks got hotter. I turn and look back only to see him, along with the group of people, I front of me.

"And here we have folks a real werewolf! If you throw money at him he'll dance!" Grunkle Stan said gesturing to me and I sign and start to dance as people were pelting me with the money.

*Small time skip*

When the group followed Stan to some other part of the shack, I sit down on the small wooden stage and take the ears and tail off and sigh.

"Do you always have to do this?" An angelic deep voice came to my ears making me look up and see the boy from earlier.

"U-umm, yeah?" I say/ ask

"That sounded like a question, anyway why are you doing this, you clearly don't like it." He said sitting down next to me, making me blush.

"Well it's for my Grunkle Stan." I say looking at my shoes, not wanting him to know I was blushing.

"What's a grunkle?" He said looking confused

"Great uncle." I say glancing at him.

"Oh cool. Hey umm what your name?" He said glancing at me with those beautiful (E/C) eyes again while holding his hand out.

"Oh! Umm I'm Dipper." I say shaking his hand, it was warm and so soft.


We hung out for the rest of the day and soon I heard his mom call out for him, probably for him to go home. I slightly frown as I heard her. "Aww don't worry I'll come back soon oh and I forgot something." He said standings in the doorway to me and Mable's room.

"What?" I ask but before I knew it he kissed me. Kissed me! But before I could respond he pulled away, slipped something in my hand and left saying a quick 'goodbye'. By now my face put fire trucks to shame and I looked down to see a slip of paper with a number on it with the words 'call me~'. I then heard squealing behind me making me jump and turn to see Mable with stars in her eyes.

I blush even more (if possible) at the fact that she was in the room the whole time muttering 'shut up' and flop down onto my bed with a sigh as Mable rambles and about 'yaoi'.

Various Male!Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now