Eddie Brock/Venom

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Author Note: Hello! Guess who's back again! Sorry for kinda disappearing on you guys! Geeze from the last time I updated I feel like I have gotten MUCH better. I also started a Blue Exorcist x Male Reader story if you are interested but if not, please enjoy our perfect duo!

(Y/N) huffs as he trudged up towards his shared apartment door, his brows furrowed as water dripped from every inch of his body. Outside the rain poured from dark cloud and harshly pelted the ground, able to be heard even from inside the building. He just knew he looked like a drowned rat. Soaked (H/C) hair clinging to his chilled skin, clothes sticking to his skin as the thin jacket he had did little to no affect against the weather and shoes making a squish from each step he made.

(Y/N) didn't have the best day. First waking up an hour late due to his phone being dead, which he thought was charging, and rushing to get dressed, skipping his morning routines as well as skipping breakfast to make it in time. Running to work and carding his fingers through his hair only to receive an earful from his boss, the cranky bitch, he spent the day doing other's work piled on top of his own.

Finally, after hours of stressful coworkers and one skull shattering headache, he finished the most of his work, collecting his things and happily leaving the building. As soon as one foot was out the door a droplet of water hit the ground followed by another and in the matter of seconds, rain fell, growing harder and faster each second. With a silent curse he began to sprint back to his apartment building, feet splashing through puddles that were inches deep.

Needless to say this was the worst day he has ever had in quite a long time.

'Guess I was due for a shitty day huh..' He thought bitterly as he digs through his coat pockets until the sound of metal clinking against metal was heard. (Y/N) unlocked the door and pushed it open, his brows relaxing a little once he saw the apartment he knew and loved. The smell of Chinese food and what was a half empty air freshener in the corner, despite him smelling of wet nature, the all too familiar scent relaxed him in a way. He was finally home, away from work, mother nature and the evils of the world.

It wasn't much, a single bedroom, a small half room for storage and the washer and drier, kitchen, bathroom and a living room. The place he shared with his boyfriend of eight months, Eddie Brock. Not to forget a certain "friend" of his, someone he had grown fond of since his appearance.

Speaking of, his eyes trailed to Eddie who sat on the couch and a small tired smile grew on his pale lips. To anyone else the man would have seemed to be talking to himself but he knew better. Eddie went silent and tore his gaze away from the coffee table to see a soaked (Y/N) standing in the doorway. His eyes slightly widened, standing and rushing to his boyfriend.

"What the hell happened?" He asks in shock, his brown orbs full of worry as he stared deep into his (E/C) eyes. (Y/N) sighs as memories of his day come flooding back, huffing at the mere mention of it.

"Everything." Eddie lightly frowns, immediately noticing by the tone of his voice and tired eyes, today might have not been the best. Eddie began to help him peel off his jacket, the (H/C) haired male mumbling a soft thanks and kicked off his shoes at the door.

"Go change into some warm clothes and I'll thrown this in the drier." Eddie says softly, showing a light smile which he returned. He nodded and walked to their shared room, beginning to pull off his drenched shirt on the way, more then eager to get off the now freezing wet clothes.

Eddie sighs to himself as he heads towards the small room and tossed the wet article of clothing into the drier. A black mass grew in the corner of his eye but he paid no attention to Venom's small head. He felt bad for (Y/N), knowing fully well how he was after a stressful day, exhausted and quiet, not to mention experiencing many of those himself in the past.

"He is upset. Why is he upset?" Venom's voice rung in his ears and Eddie shook his head.

"He's just tired from work." Eddie mumbles, still weary of letting the symbiote get involved with (Y/N) when he's in a more upset mood. Two months ago when his body was no longer just his own, all hell broke loose. For the first week or two Eddie was distant, rarely home and always seemingly anxious, stressed and frustrated whenever (Y/N) saw him. He didn't dare let him around with Venom now apart of him, scared as to how the alien creature would react to his boyfriend and out of worry, settled to push him a bit further away in his life in fear of the worse. (Y/N) eventually caught on to Eddie keeping him at a distance and an argument grew, the poor male convinced that he was purposely ignoring him for no reason. That was until he met Venom.

"We should make him not upset." Venom suggested with a growing grin, looking at his host's face who's brows furrowed.

"No you can't do anything stupid, he's already stressed a-" Eddie was cut off by the sound of a door closing followed by gentle bare footsteps against the hard wood flooring. Both of their heads turned at the sound and Eddie quickly exited the room, Venom retreating back into his hoodie to observe in secret. Eddie's eyes landed on the form that was (Y/N), dressed in sweat pants and a large tee shirt that was most likely his own. His eyes were barely open, looking even more tired then he had been just a few minutes ago.

A yawn escaped (Y/N) lips, carding his fingers through his now damp hair. "I'm so tired..." He mumbles, walking closer to him enough that he could wrap his arm's around Eddie's waist, his head falling to rest on his shoulder. A small chuckle left his lips, wrapping his arms around the tired male and placing a kiss to his temple. Venom grew a bit jealous when they shared moments like this together, wanting to be apart of it as well, a tendril of inky goo like substance reaching out from the sleeve of Eddie's hoodie to make contact with (Y/N)'s back.

Venom could feel (Y/N) slightly tense up at the new touch but relaxed, figuring out what or who had touched him. The symbiote took this as an okay to continue, more tendrils forming to wrap around his frame, hugging him in his own way.

A sigh of content escaped (Y/N), gently squeezing Eddie and Venom who was mainly under the man's clothing. "Your hugs are warm. We should do this more often...." He mumbles against the fabric of his hoodie with shut eyelids, a smile gracing Eddie's lips as he closed his own eyes as well.

"We should." (Y/N) opened his eyes when he hears Venom's voice, his head come into hhis field of vision. His eyes staring at the disembodied head while keeping his head on Eddie's shoulder with a lazy smile.

"Hey V." He mumbles, Venom moving closer to nuzzle the side of his head against (Y/N)'s causing a small giggle to leave him. "Morsel." (Y/N) hums a bit while he relaxed in their hold.

"I love you guys... I don't know what I'd do without either of you.." He mumbles tiredly while Eddie began to rub soothing circles on his back. "We love you too Morsel." "Love you too babe." The both spoke in over each other. The three stayed put, enjoying the warmth and touch of each other as the faint sound of rain could be heard in the back ground.

It may have been a rough day but (Y/N)  knew he could always come home to the loving embrace of the two he loved most.

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