Chapter 7

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"Please stay where you are, don't come any closer,"

Love In The Dark -Adele

Both Chloe and Lucifer were feeling an overwhelming need to punch into their computer screen in hopes of making the results finish faster. In reality, destroying the computer would be highly counter-productive. However, it would also have been highly satisfying considering it had been thirteen minutes and the bar was stuck at 66%.

"Why is it taking so long?" Lucifer whines.

Chloe tips her head, "I'm not quite sure. It was only supposed to take a couple hours, and it is long past that." She looks over at the clock reading 10:38pm. Beginning to try and find a better way to sit in this chair felt like a never ending battle, but a necessary one since she knows she is going to be here for a while. It isn't easy, but Chloe is small so it only takes a moment or two until she has found an okay position. "You know Lucifer, I bet your club needs you. If you want to leave you can. I'll call you if I find anything."

"No, it's fine Detective-" he begins, both his sentence and trying to fit into his own chair much like Chloe. However, not only does he have a taller body, but he is also bulkier in more ways than one. "-Really it's fine-". His shoulders broad, and long legs, all adding up to him being unable to fit nicely and almost getting stuck in the process. He tries moving his suit around, tugging and holding fabric in places. Lifting up and down trying to mash this puzzle piece in a chair of the wrong cut out. They just weren't fitting, and Lucifer sighs in defeat. "Would you mind if I ducked out?" He admits quickly.

Chloe lets a smile creep across her face. "Go ahead." Lucifer stands and fixes himself up with grace, his slender fingers buttoning his suit jacket. Smoothing out the wrinkles, and then moving them up into his sleek hair. He nods in Chloe's direction and walks to the door silently, however when he reaches the frame, he stops quite like he did the other morning in Chloe's house. He poses once again with one arm resting in the frame as he places his weight in one hip and stares directly at Chloe.

"Promise me if it gets passed midnight you will go home," Lucifer pleads. "I get that the babysitter can stay at your place overnight, but you deserve at least some time with your daughter. Even if it is just a tale reading before bed."

Chloe is shocked. When she met this guy all he cared about was revenge, and getting even, and his own affairs. Now, he pays attention to those around him, and knows enough to actually care about those in his life. He knows enough about Chloe to care if she sees her daughter once in a day. It's like within a few weeks, he has become something more than the acquaintance she once mistook him for. It's like the feeling of respect was now a two way road, with no construction. Respect, trust, and something else was now present. She knew what that something was, but she would be damned to say she loved a man first ever again in her life. Chloe needed to know for sure that this feeling of love was mutual, but every time a moment like this occurred, she was more and more sure.

"I will. Goodnight Lucifer," Chloe answers.

Lucifer's presence disappears and is immediately felt. Something about when he was gone didn't feel right. This sense of excitement, danger, and want disappeared along with him. Chloe puts her head in her hands and looks at the clock again. 10:41pm. It had only been three minutes, and when she looks at the scan, it now reads 67%. With a grunt, she pulls out her cell phone to tell the babysitter she was going to be home earlier than expected.

"Hey girl. Listen, I thought it was going to be a late night but nothing is coming up in this case, so it's going to be an early night for me-"

The screen makes a BLEEP noise over and over again while large letters read RESULTS COMPLETE.

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