Chapter 20

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Author's Note: Sorry this took almost a month. I had to re-decide what I was going to do and how to end things within the next few chapters. Disclaimer for this chapter, I am issuing a possible Suicide Trigger Warning. It is in the second half of the chapter and I didn't want anyone getting upset that there was no warning. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this and hopefully the next one won't take as long.


Lucifer brought Maze up to his penthouse above the bar. She was still breathing, but for how much longer was unclear. Gently he set her limp body on his bed, not caring if her blood stains the sheets. Her eyelids were shut, not foreseeing to reopen anytime soon. He tried to convince himself that she only needed sleep to kick this, not that her injuries were the cause of her blackout. It was false and illogical to believe in such a notion but he had to grasp onto whatever he could. Swiftly, he ran to the on-suite bathroom to grab a cold cloth for her injury.

As the water ran and soaked the towel, Lucifer couldn't help but blame himself. He could feel hot tears threatening to spill over his dark lashes. Sniffling harshly, he held them in. There was no way he could let him emotions overrun him right now. The only choice he had was to be strong for Maze, and to cry was to be weak in both of their eyes. Lucifer reminded himself that even though Maze was just stabbed and she must be in a great deal of pain that there were no tears on her cheeks. If she could be strong, so could he. Lucifer had to be...for both of them.

Entering the room again Lucifer was faced with the sight of her all too still body. "Mazikeen?" He asked into the silence. There was still no reply as he became closer and the closer to the bed. She was so still and the sight if her made Lucifer tremble with fear. Climbing onto the opposite side of the bed Lucifer immediately checked for a pulse once again.

"Get your cold ass fingers off my neck," Maze grumbled. Feeling a temporary relief at her voice, Lucifer couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle. "Aren't you supposed to be always hot?" Maze continued.

"It was the cold water from the towel Mazikeen," he replied. "Glad to see you awake again. But I was kind of hoping you would stay under as this is going to hurt. Are you ready for this?" One of his hands was holding her body on its side while the other was ready with the cold towel. It hovers above the wound waiting for permission to apply with pressure.

"Just do it," Maze says tiredly, bracing herself with a sigh.

Lowering the cold cloth down Lucifer tries to be as gentle as possible at first. The temperature still shocks Maze and she flinches with pain and surprise. Very quickly the towel is stained with her blood. It probably will never come out. It bleeds through both sides but luckily the blood pumping out of the wound seems to slow to a stop. As much as the pain is still overwhelming, the cold soothes the deep gash giving off a temporary relief.

He holds it to her back with pressure and watches it change colors. His emotions overflow in one simple statement he can no longer keep in. "I'm so sorry Mazikeen," Lucifer whispers, his voice unable to keep its usual tone and strength.

"What do you mean?" Maze asked.

"It's my fault that you are hurt," Lucifer begins to explain. "It's my fault I dragged us out of hell in the first place. It's my fault I let myself care for the Detective. It's my fault that Amenadiel is after her. Which means it is my fault that he used her to hurt you. None of this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been so bloody naive and stupid. So for everything Maze, I am so, so sorry."

Maze's heart twisted. There he went again. He always went down this depressing road. Blaming himself for everything is why he became so cold in the first place. It is the reason why he places up so many walls. "Lucifer you didn't choose to fall in love. No one ever does. And you sure as hell aren't responsible for Amenadiel's actions. He did this, not you. Don't play the blame game now."

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