Chapter 4-The Bomb-Ninja Style || Human!TMNT x Reader

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Mikey had been smoked.

As you had been previously, he was reduced to shame as Dr. McCoy called him out. He was new, of course, but he went easy, to some extent, on the poor blonde.

That wasn't what got him into such a dire situation.

Everyone noticed him. Everyone.

Comments rang about the air, commenting on the young newbie.

Damn, look at him.

He's hot.

What a baby.

Oh shut up, he can have my babies~

You cringed at what you heard, Mikey oblivious to the few dirty references here and there. He was much to innocent, and had he not been innocent, he'd have merely been too engrossed with the attention he was given.

"Ladies, ladies," he smiled childishly, "there's enough of moi to go around."

You burst in laughter, as did Mikey as well.


"Sorry, Dr. McCoy!"

The lesson began, not to drone on and on, but as quite an interesting fad. Attention spans of the multitudes of teens slowly slipped from Mikey onto the front of the room, as the first lab of the year was being revealed.

The man on the front of the room mixed multitudes of children, explaining the process of phasing from liquid to gas. It was simply a pot of water being boiled, a cap over it. McCoy, after a minute or two, released the cap, puffs of gas exploited to the air.

The class applauded, though not utterly surprised.

"Now you have to do your own!" Dr. McCoy smiled. "Though... It can't be boiling, like what I just did."

The class groaned, free passes far from their reach now.

"Now, class, what are some ideas for how you can demonstrate this type of phasing," McCoy inquired, marker in hand, ready to meet the board.


"Solid argon!"


All heads once again turned to Mikey, out of astonishment.

Bombs? You thought to yourself. How the hell are we going to manage a bomb?

Dr. McCoy's attention was also on Mikey, though in the most interested manner.

"What kind of bomb, is the question."

"Smoke bomb?"

"Do you know how to make one?"

"Easy!" Mikey exclaimed, eyes filled with excited knowledge. "The easiest, though trashiest way to do this is to start with some eggs..."

"Go on..."

"Mix that potassi-ni- whatever with sugar..."

"You mean potassium nitrate and granulated sugar?" Dr. McCoy corrected him.

"BOOM!" Mikey snapped his fingers into a gun formation at the realization of the term. "That's what it was called!

"Anyway, after that you kinda fry that mix, then drill a few circles into the egg shell, but be really careful. I think whenever Donnie makes them, he usually uses something small, like a screwdriver a toothpick, somewhat of a 'baby driller, y'know? Oh! And empty out all those eggs first! And those eggs have to be carefully cut in half.

Then, after that, I fell asleep. I was watching my bro, Donnie doing it."

The class stared at Mikey, all the more interested in this charming fellow than before.

And ironically, so were you.


"So, Mikey knows how to make a bomb now?" You asked the group as you walked home with them. It had been time to leave, as it was Friday: half day.

"_____, I didn't know that." Donnie explained, hand on himself. "I didn't even know when he was watching me!"

"Ninja skills, broo."

"Anyway, do any of you guys wanna hang out tonight? Pizza on me?"

"Aww, _____, that sounds amazing...," April smiled sweetly. "But, sadly, I have an assignment to finish. Paired up with Casey. Again."

"Another lab from Novelle?," you questioned, referring to the science teacher of Class B. She nodded remorsefully.


"Wait," Mikey looked over at you once again. "Don't we have a lab to do?"

"You're working with him?!" Raph gasped in disbelief.

You chuckled. "Believe it or not, I think Mikey actually might be good at science!"

Leo smiled. "Then I guess you could say he's..."

"The bomb!!!" Casey finished off.

The the two laughed hysterically together, along with Mikey, as you the rest of the group sighed, unbeknownst as to what you were going to do with them.

Well. This is back.

I'm sorry for not updating, meine liebes!!! (Yes I speak German now, deal with it) It's just that my academic life's been busy, tumblr kept me kind of pulled away...

And I'm drifting a little from this fandom.


I'm sorry guys, it's just that it's so hard keeping up with this show! And it seems to have gone pretty absurd, if you know what I mean.

Nonetheless, I still am full-body-deep in love with each and every one of these characters, and I just needed this chapter to get in the gist of writing them again, especially Mikey, whom I love dear <3

I feel as if my writing has improved, and will probably update this more often, as even though it didn't take me that long to write, that chapter was a good way to stretch my skills once again, as I have been inactive in the writing department for a while.

And believe it or not, I actually did research for this chapter!!! I literally looked up "How to Make a Smokebomb", but added the egg component, as demonstrated in the show XD

I recently entered the abyss of Hetalia, now watching Hetalia: The World Twinkle, and I wrote a Oneshot for it in my book of Oneshots! Check it out ^_^

If you want to request anything, we can have a discussion about it. I mean, if it's not a fandom I'm in, I'm sure you can pull me into it, right?

Okay, dear publish button, it is time....


Reena/Dami: the Author

Ninja Style || Human!TMNT x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now