Sad States

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Nothing galvanizes evil so much
as dry hate, Imam-togged (or dog-collared):-
polarize continents in zombie clutch;
reverse the drift silent masses followed.

"Come ye out from among them" eggs-on skinheads
to assist this fool goal with a brutal boot.
The mad Daesh* for an Islamic State, so threads
through secular emnity's  rotted root.

But you can see the battle lines are drawn:
a quiet life seems silent defiance;
now we want 'windows into (people's) souls'.*

'Fellow-travelers' stuck by the barbed fence,
while Middle East's aground on human shoals.
When bombs smash apathy, empathy lies torn.


*Daesh is the, so called, 'Islamic State'. Many commentators are coming to use the term- I am certainly not going to call the blamed thing ISIS, which would be to usurp the name, revered world-wide, of the ancient Egyptian Goddess.

*Queen Elizabeth 1st said, "I would not open windows into men's souls," as one source gives it or "I have no desire to make windows into men's souls," as another gives it.
She meant she had no wish to test their adherence to any particular dogma which might brand them a Catholic, within the Protestant Catholic conflict of the time, so long as they obeyed the law and went through the motions her state demanded.
This wisdom of relative religious tolerance under a broad church, brought stability
, yet, though England and Wales never seriously contemplated a return to Catholicism, the Irish and Scots had their serious moments of rebellion in the next century (as I remember from school history), rallying round 'pretenders' to the crown.

Hybrid Sonnet form  -English octad,  Italian sestet.

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