Rock the Boughs Gently

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Such a heady profusion confuses the tongue,
as ever adolescent Beast gulped at Beauty
from hiding, simply  stared rapt, nothing to be done;
commissioned artist might pause, suck brush at duty.

I'm lazy lucky I can bask in belting sun
as grasses ruffle (so tickled then are forearms)
illumined blades, where dandelion bullion
lies scattered beneath the waving tiers of blossom.

But gentle the day there, don't dare dislodge the beesfew as they are, from these so consequential rites;steady ballerina seed on twirling journeys;leave butterflies their quirks - don't interrupt their flight

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But gentle the day there, don't dare dislodge the bees
few as they are, from these so consequential rites;
steady ballerina seed on twirling journeys;
leave butterflies their quirks - don't interrupt their flight.

Such sweetness is a beacon for the pilgrim's course
where advertising scent leads in to copious source.


The heading media pic is by Monet. The photo is of my apple blossom.
It's a Shakespearean sonnet form but with 12 syllables a line. (I know dandelion seeds don't help fertilize apple blossom ;) but I just had to mention 'em ).



Under the rag-rolled cloud-dapple dusking,
under a couple of sickle wings swift-veering
(feeding in the last of the sun up there),
under the cascade of blackbird phrases,
eye-height among white petal-profusion,
working into twilight, my heroine bumble:-
ginger furred thorax, quivering robustly,
routinely swept clean by a supple, black leg,
striped abdomen tipped by a wicked sting
(no barbs nor spirals to cause her pause)*
she labors tirelessly, following her own system,
which is good enough for me, any cool of evening,
while the little speckled moths flit into privet.


*Bumblebees, unlike hive honeybees, do not need to sacrifice their own lives when they sting; and can do so repeatedly.

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