Chapter one

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The walls of Mist Night Club vibrated with the bass being provided from the DJ. I watched everyone dance, a sea of people grinding, girls going home with denim marks on the back of their dresses, and men walking out of the front doors or to the bathroom with a girl or two in tow. The sight was enough to have me staring from my spot near the bar.

My cousin had told me to stay put while he went to find his friend. It's been about twenty minutes now, and neither one of them has shown up. I continued my observations on the crowd.

Women and women, women and men, men and men, all having a good time. Couples making their way to any vacant dark corner, groping each other frantically as if the alcohol had given them some sort of sex crazed stimulant. All the while, men would cross my path, ask if they could buy me a drink, scowl in response to my rejection and walk off.

It was almost laughable. None of these men were attractive. Not even in the slightest.

They always had something wrong about them. They weren't...special. They couldn't be noticed in a crowd, they couldn't be known by their voice, and they weren't Mine.

I knew it was rare to find your True Mate. My own mother and father weren't True Mates. My aunt and uncles aren't True Mates. Santiago and his girlfriend aren't True Mates, but I can see a future for them.

I was literally knocked from my thoughts as I brought the rim of my glass to my lips for a drink. My drink was spilled, and I was holding onto the bar counter to ensure that I wouldn't fall. I angrily regained my posture and turned to glare menacingly at my assaulter.

I was face-to-chest with a man of no less than 6'5. (1.95 meters to others that aren't in America.) He easily towered my 5'1, even in heels. (1.54 meters.) Okay, so I wasn't the tallest in the pack, but I was the fastest.

His breath fanned over my forehead as he bent his neck to look down at me. I looked up and met his kind brown eyes. I observed his facial features. His face was perfectly shaped, with a sharp jaw line and perfect lips that curled up slightly into a smirk. His hair was a dark brown.

He was gorgeous.

And he was helping me up. He was talking. Speaking. His mouth was moving. I can't hear him. Why can't I hear him? Oh, yeah. Not paying attention. Got it.

"Huh?" I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

Wow. Smooth, Rose. "Huh?" I mocked myself.

"I said I'm sorry. My friend is a bit clumsy. Although I can't seem to find him now..." He looked over my head as I stared up at his perfection. His voice was like silk. Mint-smelling silk.

"Oh,'s okay." I caught his scent. Over all of the too-strong calogne and cheap perfume and alcohol, I caught the scent of the Lentus Pack. I immediately went to step away, my foot slipping in my drink that was spilled.

I watched as his hand reached out with lightening speed to catch me, encircling my waist with his well-toned arm. We were only a breath away, looking into each other's eyes. Goosebumps rose on my skin as his skin came into contact with mine.

"You're a Lentus." I stated the obvious. His eyes darkened a shade before opening his mouth to speak, then closing it. He opened it again then closed it.

"You're a Mollitiam." He finally spoke. I narrowed my eyes at him with the intention of insulting him, but nothing came out. I couldn't find a negative word to say about this man.

"What's your name?" He asked. I shook my head, trying to break away from his grip, much to my reluctance. He didn't even budge as I shoved and pushed against his chest.

"Let go of me." I spat.

His smirk was turned up in the slightest way. "Tell me your name."

He didn't try to make a deal with me, or force me into anything. He was keeping me here and I was to tell him my name, and that was final. Hell knew how long it would be before the guy let me go. He could keep me here all night.

With a heavy sigh, I replied, "Rosalynne."

His smirk turned into a breath-taking smile. I stared at him for the longest time before noticing his mouth moving. Again, I couldn't hear him.

I looked at him with a "Huh?" expression. He repeated himself. "Nolan. Nolan Swords."

I nodded quickly before trying to shove him away again. Honestly, I loved the way I felt in his arms. But I'd never admit it to him. He was a Lentus. I couldn't admit something like that to someone like him.

"Rose?" I heard over the roar of the crowd. I recognized the voice as Santiago's. He was probably looking for me. Not that it would be that hard. I'm in the same spot, only in a Lentus Member's arms. Oh, yeah.

"You have to let go of me. You have to leave." I told Nolan with urgency obvious in my tone. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"My cousin will have your head if he finds out you were here. With me. You need to leave."

"Meet me at the river between our territories tomorrow night." He demanded. My eyes grew wide at his words. I began to shake my head when he spoke again.

"Meet me, or I'm not letting go." The last thing I wanted was going home with Santiago covered in Lentus blood...or worse, his own blood. Santiago was big and strong, no doubt. But, Nolan looked like he could beat him.

"No, you have to go, Nolan. Go."

"I like the way you say my name." He smirked. My cheeks flushed. I slapped him on the side of the head, earning a chuckle. Sexy chuckle.

"Okay, I'll meet you! Just-"

At the sound of my name being called again, Nolan stood me up straight and took a drink off the counter. Without a word, he splashed me with the drink and was off into the crowd. I was boiling by the time Santiago got to me. He took in my appearance and laughed, clutching his side.

"What happened to you?" He came over and took a better look at my dress.

He doesn't smell Nolan. He threw the drink on me so it would mask the smell.

"Nothing. Let's just go home." I grunted before pulling him off into the crowd.

Nolan Swords...definitely something different.

A/N: First chapter done! Feedback? Feel free to comment and stuff! <3

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