Chapter seven

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Not edited-

I looked the she-wolf in the eyes, feeling my heartbeat increase.

"Information. What makes you think we need your information?" I snapped, baring my canines at her. She didn't so much as flinch as I was progressing my way to "Out-Of-Control-Rosy."

"Because I know you all are stupid enough to think that you'll catch him here. You think that he's going to be easy. He'll keep you on the balls of your feet," she smirked, mocking me, "and you won't see him coming. He's a killer." She offered me a sweet smile. "Would you like that information now, or when he's got one of you by the throat?"

Nolan stepped forward, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Let her up. We'll go inside and talk."

I took another minute to glare at the Rogue that lay beneath me. Finally composing myself, I stood up, brushing myself off. Tristan stood there watching with wide eyes as the girl stood, dead and damaged leaf parts stuck in her hair. I rolled my eyes, grabbing her by the arm and guiding her into the cabin. I couldn't trust her, and if these boys weren't going to stand on guard, then I would.

She was obviously taller than me, her body slim and lightweight. She was almost my equal.

I sat her down on the bar stool in the kitchen and stood only feet away from her, my arms crossed over my chest. Nolan and Tristan came to stand behind me. They were acting like back-up.

"What's your name?" I asked, looking into her eyes. They were a dark coffee colour, almost black.


"And why are you giving us your help?"

She glanced at the boys behind me before looking me in the eyes. "The Rogue you're looking for is dangerous. I know him personally, embarrassingly enough, and I know what he's capable of. He'll rip you all to shreds, given the chance. He's faster, stronger. The only thing he isn't, is smarter. If we can outsmart-" I interrupted her.


"Oh, yes. We. In return for this information, you'll invite me into this operation. I've got my own reasons for revenge." She had an evil glint in her eyes.

I scoffed. "Revenge? We're doing this because this Rogue has been attacking in places dangerously close to both of our territories. The only reason this idiot," I jabbed my thumb behind me, pointing to Tristan, "is tagging along is because the other idiot," I jabbed my other thumb toward Nolan, "called him here."

"Yeah, well, seems like you'll need a lot more help than these two. And he needs to be taken down. We've all got our reasons to attack, but you've got no idea how." She was negotiating with me in a not-so-subtle manner.

I looked back at Nolan, who gave me a slight nod. I turned my head toward Tristan, who gave the same nod. Beatrice folded her arms across her chest in triumph.

"Fine. You're in. But, only in exchange for the information you hold. One sign of betrayal," I growled, "and I'll rip your head off. With my teeth."

She tilted her head to the side with a taunting smile, "Sweetheart, you may be fast, but Mr. Alpha here has all the muscle." She winked at Nolan, earning an earth shaking growl from me. It took us all by surprise. Even me.

"Where do I sleep?"

I pointed to the couch.


"You guys better not get freaky over there with me in the same room. I don't care what kind of mate, werewolf, supernatural hormones you have." Tristan warned. (A/N: Am I the only one that can imagine Dylan O'Brien saying that? Let me know :P) "I don't want to be able to say that I witnessed my God-child being conceived."

I scoffed, scooting away from Nolan in the small bed. He chuckled and pulled me closer, my back to his chest. "No promises, Trist." I growled, earning a laugh.

I turned over in his arms, watching his amused expression. I caught his eyes, staring into them. He gave me a small smile, puzzling his nose against mine. I fought my mind, screaming at me to pull away. I stayed as he displayed his affection toward me.

"Are you ever going to really warm up to me?" He asked, a drop of hurt in his tone. I focused on his eyes and sighed, watching them flicker to gold and back to their kind brown.

"I think I've been pretty warm..."

He chuckled and shook his head, "Warm? Angel, you're a tad bit freezing."

I sighed and cuddled in close, showing him just how "warm," I can be. He took this opportunity to wrap his arms around me, resting his chin on top of my head. "This is warm." He kissed the crown of my head.

I honestly could get used to this. His touch made me tingle. I loved it.

"Yeah," I whispered, "I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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