Chapter two

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   I spent the next day laid out on the couch. Nolan invaded my mind the entire day. I debated staying home or going to meet him at the river. 

   The thought tore me from the inside out. I couldn't get it off my mind no matter how hard I tried to distract myself. I began to picture Nolan standing at the riverbank, looking around as if he could find me. He kept on looking over his shoulder like he was going to get caught. I was scared for him. 

   The daydream replayed over and over in my head until I decided to tuck myself into bed. Santiago was passed out on the couch after work, completely unaware of his surroundings. I swear, you couldn't wake the man up if you hit him in the head with a spoon. And, trust me, that hurts like a bitch. 

   I could hear him snoring from upstairs in my room, and that bothered me. Usually he slept for a few hours before he stopped snoring. That meant he was sleeping lighter than before, but still deeply. This meant that I could do whatever I wanted when the sun went down. As long as I'm quiet, Aunt Dehlia won't wake Uncle Ray up and have a fit.

   The thoughts of Nolan kept pestering me enough to make me sit up in bed. I banged myself on the side of the head like you would do to get water out of your ears. Sadly, the thoughts were still there. 

   Is he there right now? What if he's waiting for me? What if he gets caught by a Mollitiam? He reeks of Lentus; he'll probably get caught. Oh, no. 

   "Damn it." I stood up and fixed the baggy pajama pants Santiago handed down to me. I pulled my jumper over my tank top and slipped my thongs on. Once the thought occurred to me that I'd be walking in the woods, I traded my thongs for trainers. I grabbed my house key and quickly and quietly made my way downstairs and out of the house. 

   I resisted the urge to pick my pace up to a jog. Why? It's beyond me. 

   Was I excited to see Nolan? 

   No, I was probably just anxious to get this over with. 

  Once the river came into view, I began to search for the gray eyes that were all too familiar. I couldn't get them out of my head, and I sure as hell know that was not a good thing. 

   "Rosalynne?" I turned around at the call of my name. His hair was disheveled, like he had ran his hand through it multiple times. His eyes were tired, and his attire was matching mine. Pajamas. It almost made me smile. 

   Instead, I crossed my arms over my chest and tried my best to cop an attitude. "Why did you tell me to meet you here?" 

   "Well, hello to you, too." He rolled his eyes with an innocent smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying so hard to act angry. But, honestly, I wasn't. Not in the slightest little way was I angry with him. 

   "I'm waiting for an answer, Swords." I put my hands on my hips, tapping my foot impatiently. 

   "You remembered my last name? Gosh, I'm so flattered." He put a hand over his heart and smiled sweetly at me. 

   I turned around and began to leave, much to my reluctance. I had only taken about two steps before hands gripping my hips and pulled me back into a hard chest. My breath caught audibly in my throat, and I prayed to The Goddess that he didn't hear it. 

   "Don't go," he breathed down my neck, sending shivers down my spine, "Just talk to me." 

   I melted in his arms, much to my dismay. I was engulfed in a warm sensation, accompanied by the tingles where his hands remained. 

   "About what?" I failed to keep my voice steady. I felt him nuzzle his nose into the crook in my neck and breathe my scent in. This was normal for our kind. But, why? I was a Mollitiam, I should be repulsive to him. He should be repulsive to me. But, here we are. 

   "Us." He barely breathed the word, taking his sweet time in wrapping his arms around my waist and keeping my back firmly against his chest. I felt conflicted with this boy. He left me feeling both joyed and confused. 

   "What" I kept my stare at the tree ahead of us, the only illumination being from the moon. To anybody, this would look purely romantic. Two teenagers, the girl in her guy's arms, standing on the riverbank in the moonlight. But, to us - or at least me -, we were two people from two different worlds, entirely aware that this shouldn't be happening. 

   "Don't tell me you don't feel it, Rosy." He murmured against my skin, his lips causing goosebumps to rise on my body. Nobody but my father used to call me Rosy, but the way Nolan said it made it sound...cute, loving...couple-y. 

   I tried to pretend I didn't know what he was talking about. It was easier that way. "What do you mean? Feel what?" My voice betrayed me, coming out at only a whisper. Why was I whispering? Well, we were between our territories. This was no man's land. I could talk as loudly as I please. As long as we aren't too close to either border, we were safe. But, you never know. Rogues have a thing for teenage girls. And Goddess knows whether Nolan would stay or not. Probably not. 

   "This." He ran his hand over the goosebumps on my arm, sliding his hand up my sleeve. His touch only made it worse. My skin felt like it was on fire, his arms wrapped around me, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on my wrist as he held it. 

   "I know you feel it, Rosalynne. You're keeping it from me, and that's not nice." His tone was teasing, but it was a bit threatening. His lower lip brushed the shell of my ear, causing my head to loll back slowly onto his chest. He pulled the cartilage between his teeth gently before pulling away from it. 

   "Meet me here tomorrow at the same time. I'll be waiting." With that, he released me, turning me back to face him. I looked into his eyes. 

   "I'll walk you back to your border, then I have to go." I nodded silently, turning and beginning to walk back home. His footsteps followed me all the way there. They were heavy, but not too heavy. Just right. 

   When we were about 100 feet from the border, he stopped me. He engulfed me in his arms and kissed me on the forehead, leaving a blush flooding my cheeks. "Until tomorrow, Angel." 

   He ran off, leaving me to my thoughts. His fast paced footsteps faded slowly into the night. I turned and jumped over the border gate, turning back to see if he was still in sight. Nobody. 

   I caught sight of glowing eyes in the distance. Glowing red eyes as they watched me from afar. Only one kind of wolf had glowing eyes. Glowing red eyes. 

   A rogue had spotted me. And if it heard the conversation between Nolan and I, we were in big trouble. 

A/N: I feel accomplished. I love this chapter. Okay. Goodnight!

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