The party part 2

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I turned around as Emily ran off into the crowd. Max and i turned around and started walking back to the car. Not gonna lie i almost cried but i know how to hold myself together and hide emotion. I put on my best fake smile and tried to not let my wolf instinct out. If you didn't know, i am a lupine, nobody knows, and i don't want them to, I've been hiding it all my life. Lupine means half wolf half human. Which means i can be human, lupine, or wolf form. Lupine is just a person body with wolf ears and tail. We walked back to the car and i hopped in the back because im lazy and didn't feel like going around. I had one of my hoodies in the back and my tail and ears were forcing themselves out, this happens a lot... I throw my sweatshirt over my head and pulled it on keeping the hood up to hide the ears, i didn't know what to do about the tail... My tail is dark gray with a white tip and my ears are the same. We got back to the office faster than we left, which was really really bad! "C'mon" max beckoned.

"Ummm, i need to grab something, you go ahead inside..." I said and he walked away after nodding and i sighed in relief. I grabbed my phone so i didn't come empty handed and ill say i left if in the  seat and accidentally sat on it and couldn't find it! Perfect! I hid my tail in my hoodie and it looked surprisingly normal. I walked in with my wolf  hoodie and the ears on it were hollow so my ears fit ironically perfect which was great! I was really hot but ID rather sweat than have to explain what i am... Everyone looked at my hoodie and smiled as i entered and i put my phone in my pocket and smiled back. Everyone went back to recording two videos then we all get of early and head to Adam's house to continue the party. I had two hours or so to be bored because everyone wad either recording or editing.., then i remembered my channel! I ran over to the office and decided i would think of a way to troll the boys and their x-run recording as a way to tell them about my YouTube and Minecraft!! I smile evilly as i turn the handle and enter. I see nobody here as always, so i turn, and lock the door. I jump straight into the chair and turn on my camera. "Hey bunnies! shadow bunny here! Today i am going to mess with my brother and his friends as a way to let them know about my YouTube! Let me know if you want me to do collabs with them in the comments and Like  this video if you enjoyed!" I say to the camera and log into the x-run server. I talked to the owner and explained i was Max's sis and wanted to surprise him and she put me in their personal game. Max put in chat 'who are you' and u responded 'you will know soon'. And he said 'tell us before we get you banned' and i said 'you wouldn't ban your 13 year old sister would you!' I responded and he didn't respond and about a minute later i saw max looking thru the window of the office at me! I just waved and he smiled and walked away.

We all had finished  our recordings and i got to record like 4 for my channel. We all packed up and headed to Adam's house.

Skip the ride and crap

We pull into Adam's driveway and Adan and Alesa walk up and open the door and we all walk in. I stare in awe. Their house is beautiful! I walk in quietly and walk over to Adam who is talking to Jin.

"Adam your house is awesome!" I exclaim.

"Why thank you" he laughs.

"Uhm... Where's the bathroom?" I ask semi-quietly.

"Right over there" he points to a door in the hallway.

"Thanks!" I say and run off to it. I walk in and close and lock it. I pull off my hoodie and look at my ears and tail. I grab a comb from the counter and comb out my now static filled frizzy hair and fur. I focus really hard and retract my ears and tail and I tie my hoodie around my waist. I walk out of the bathroom after unlocking the door and max pick some up and I squeal in surprise.

"AAAH MAX!" I screech.

"Hi zo !" He says as if in not slung over his shoulders at the moment.

"Can you put me down now..." I ask

"Nope" he says popping the 'p'.

He brings me over to the couch and everyone is there. He sets me on the couch and joins the circle.

"TRUTH OR DARE" Adam screeches and I jump in surprise and everyone rubs their ears.

"Sooooorry " he draws out when he notices.

"Its oks ... Just painsfulls...." Barney/John sighs.

"Lets begin! Zoe you start!" Alesa points at me.

"Uhmm... ROSS truth or dare" I smile innocently as if I have an evil truth but in trying to get him to pick dare.

"Mmmm... DARE!" He yells.

"I dare you to... *pause for dramatic effect* go outside and run around yelling 'my name's sprinkles and I poop rainbows' until at least 1 neighbor hears and looks at you!" I giggle and the room laughs except Ross who groans and gets up and we all follow. Now Ross is outside running in circles flailing his arms and yelling. A look over to the neighbors in front of us and some old man is looking us like he's about to call the nearest asylum! (Emma you get that inside joke Hehe he) I run out and drag Ross back in laughing like crazy and as soon as we get in the whole room erupts in laughter. Dares and truths go around for another half hour till everyone winds down and Adam puts in saw. Did I mention in terrified of horror movies! I squeeze in between Jin and max and pull my knees to my chest AMD warily watch. Anytime a jump sac re or murder happens I bury my face behind max. I can feel him chuckle every. time! I ended up staying up after everyone because I couldn't sleep. I wriggled out from under bodies and heads of Jin and max. I walked quietly and quickly to the back yard where I say rascal and the other dogs. I figured a wolf would fit in with dogs as long as I don't act hostile! I hid myself by the walk and made sure nobody was awake and slowly I felt my hands and feet turn into paws and my face grow out and I turned into a wolf. I had a shiny gray and black coat and white tips. I slid open the door with my muzzle and trotted outside and played around with rascal and the others. They were actually fine with me believe it or not. We had some small conversation as we messed around before I said I had to go back inside and they followed me in and went to their designated places and I went to the bathroom and morphed back and squeezed in between Jin and max again and let sleep take over

I know I know I haven't updated in may notes I've just been REALLY busy with school and haven't had much motivation. Those few that read there ily! ShoutOut to EmmaRichardson938  shes my best friend, one of them, but moved to Canada in forth grade! We just got back in touch through Skype and haven't left each other alone since! Luv my wild sister! <3 -Shadow Wolf out! CYAN MY WILD ONES

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