Figuring things out!

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Zoe's pov
We talked for a while about the girls and finally decided that they couldn't be split up and since Adam and Alesa were the most responsible the girls would stay with them. We all went home to get ready to go to the offices! We didnt talk much on the ride because most of us were in thought. We arrived at the apartment and I ran strait to my room and changed clothes into a black shirt with what looks like blue and purple paint splats and my new wolf hoodie and some black shorts with purple and blue pockets with some solid black converse with blue laces and purple "lace rings" (idfk what you call them, its the holes you put the laces thru) . I brush my hair and put up my hood and hope for the best. I walk out and see im the first one done... That's a surprise!

I sit on the couch in the living room and almost immediately as I do max walks in.

"Hey max" I say without looking up.

"Hey" he said worriedly.

"Whats up max?" I asked calmly.

"U-uhm.... Nothing?" He asks more than says.

"I know something is up max, I may not know you much but we still have that brother sister bond so tell me whats wrong" I say calmly and he drags me to his room and shuts the door locking it.(RAAAAPE! Jk Lol not happening!) he pulls me over to the bed.

"Zoe, I have something to tell you, I am something called a lupine and I can sense other lupines around me... I have sensed one since you got here... I haven't been able to shake the feeling!" He whisper/yells.

I nearly freeze. Does he know!? Erm what do I do now... Guess I will have to tell him...

"Max.... Erm.... I know who...." I trail.

"Really? Who is it!?" He asks.

"Me..." I mumble.

"Wut?" He asks again.

"Me." I say a bit louder.

He sits back shocked. I look at him and pull my hood farther over my face as I look away. A single tear falls from my face as I walk out and unlock the door. I walk out of the apartment building and sit at the front of the steps to our room. I wait for them at I sit on the cold hard concrete on fall. I look around, staring at this orange and red and yellow leaves everywhere. I pull out my phone and put in some ear buds and make sure to stay aware of my surroundings. I didn't realize I was crying until I looked at my phone, with teardrops all over the powered-off screen. I wiped them off with my sleeve and dried my eyes. I was listening to 'show you how to love' the off cover.

I wish someone could show me how to love....

"I could" a rough old man voice said sexually.

"Oh... I said that out loud, well fuck..." I said and got up.

"Cmoon baby where u going?" The man said, he was drunk, I could smell it from two feet away. He neared me and reached for my shorts. "Um no sir!" I said as I roundhouse kicked him and his grimy hand away.

"Bad move you little bitch" he sneered

"If it was so bad how did I knock u back? Hm?" I challenge.
He charged me and started throwing punches and I blocked each one and on the fourth punch I grabbed his fist and trusted it and threw him to the ground and pinned him with his fish on the back of his head.

"Yea im bad, badass!" I said as I got up and swiftly kicked him on the temple, just hard enough to knock him out.

"Daaaaamn girl! Fiesty, I like it!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see an emo looking boy with brown hair and icy blue eyes. He swiped his bangs out of his face and walked up to me.

"The name's Jayden, you are?" He asked and stuck out a hand to shake.

"Zoe." I said blushing under my hood and shook his hand.

Just then down max runs almost tipping down the stairs. He hops off the last stair and swiftly walks my way.

"Zoe, r u okay? Whos this?" He said refering to Jayden.

"Yes, and--" I said but Jayden cut me off.

"Jayden, nice to meet you...?"

"Max, nice to meet you to." Max said and shook his hand.

"My sister kinda just ran out of our apartment and Ross stopped me so I couldn't get out." Max states.

"Well I must say your sister has some fighting skills!" Jayden says kindly.

"Really, how do u know?" Max questions and Jayden points to the passed out man on the grass nearby.

"What the hell!" Max exclaims.

"Drunk rapist" I state and max shoots me a 'wtf r u okay and when did you learn to fight' look.

"Yes, im fine and I taught myself, long story..." I say trailing.

"K then ..." The both say and look at each other.

"Jayden, we are gonna have to go, so I might see you later, depends on when max and Ross get off work..." I say and as if on Que down comes Ross.

"So, bye! Cya!!" I say and drag max and Ross to the car before anything stupid or embarrassing can be said.

"What was that for!" They say at the same time as they both sit in the car.

"Reasons." I state plainly.

They both just look at me and max looks kinda concerned. And just then poof out go my ears into the open ear things on my hood. I act normal, like that didnt kinda hurt and hope nobody notices as my tail bulges out of my hoodie. I quietly squeak in pain as the tail pops out. Ross looks back.

"Did u squeak" he asks.

"No, why would I squeak! Im not a mouse or something hah ha ha..." I laugh nervously and Ross gives me a weird look and turns back around. I see max send me a look in the rear view mirror saying 'wolf things' and I just return with a curt nod. He looks back at the road and we ride in silence except for the quiet radio playing dangerous woman by a arianna grande. I tap my fingers and quietly hum the song. We soon arrive at the office and I shove my phone back in my pocket after taking the earbuds out and turning everything off and we walk up to the office and I go straight to the spare office without a word.

I've been staying with my grandpa for two weeks and im always busy with him so sorry for lack of updatation(is that even a word?) so I will try to be more active, see you wild baes laterrr

Max's sister (a sky media fanfic) -=SLOW UPDATES NORNALLY=-Where stories live. Discover now