Meeting the office part 3

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I left max to do his editing in Ross, Adam, barney, jin, and jess's do not laugh and went to introduce Myself to the few others, like Ethan! I knew there were more and i would recognize then but i think they were sick today. I walked over to Ethan's desk and kinda looked around and saw Adam. "Hey Adam, you know where Ethan is, I've already met everyone else that's in today." I asked.

"Um, i think hes chilling in the spare office..." He replied

"Ok thanx Adam!" I smiled and ran off. I ran into the spare off I me and there was Ethan! "Hiya!" I greeted and he turned around.

"Helloooo?" He greeted but it sounded like a question.

"My name is Zoe, im Max's sister!" I smiled.

"Well hello Zoe! Im Ethan, if you didn't already know" Ethan introduced.

"Oh i knew that but ok!" I smiled.

"Well you seem like you will fit im well with Adam and crew!" He pointed out and i smiled.

"Well im gonna go bother max now!" I said skipping out and Ethan smiled. I skipped past Jin's office but stopped at his door, i snuck in seeing he wasn't there and stole muffin. I walked out with the cuddly muffin in my arms and pulled up a chair by max and watched him edit, he looked over and laughed at Mr cuddling the soft blue and white cay head and i smiled. That's when i heard jin. "WHO TOOK MUFFIN!" He yelled from down the hall, i crawled under Max's desk and giggled. Max too a peek at me before jin came in then went back to editing. "Adam did you take muffin again..." Jin said to Adam who happened to be vlogging in the room.

"Naw, i swear! I only did that once!" Adam put his free hand up in defense.

"Then who did?" jin asked and i giggled quietly under the desk.

"I did!" I yelled from behind jin, i had snack out from under the desk and i ran with muffin in my arms as jin chased me. I tripped but instead i did a somersault and stopped. "Haha, here ... Jin... Haha" i said through laughter and threw muffin at his face and laughed harder still on the floor. I got up and smiled at jin who still had muffin, he tried to tussle my hair but i slapped his hand. "Not. The. Hair." I glared playfully and he backed up in fake fear.

i went in my office and noticed muffin was gone because i was going to play a horror game the fans suggested. I went strait to the editors office where Adam was and asked if he took him
(you all know what happened here) i smiled at Zoe as a she skipped back to the editors office  and sat by max, i went back to my office and recorded a horror game called amnesia, it was freaky!

I checked my watch, about ten minutes till we have to lock up the office. Today went well, Zoe fit in fast, now to go home. I closed up my editing and shut down the PC and woke Zoe, she had slept the last hour, jetlag must be finally getting to her. "Zoe, wake up its time to go" i lightly shook her awake

"Mmmmhm" she groaned and groggily got up and started walking, she almost hit a wall on the way out and i laughed. I hopped in my car with Zoe, Tim, and Ross and we headed for the apartment. The next day was a welcoming party for Zoe, only the guys know, and i got her a new phone. We made small talk on the way home, and i noticed Zoe was very wierded out by being in a car with three guys all bigger that her. I smiled at her and the guys cause they were getting along great. I stopped the car and we all headed up to the apartment. Zoe went strait to her room and played some music and went to bed. "Hey Ross, whatcha think of Zoe?" I asked randomly.

"Nice kid" he stated, probably because he was to busy watching his anime.

"Okay? Where's Tim..." I asked.

"His room" Ross went back to his anime. I walked over to his room and knocked and he stood at the door. "Hey max?" He greeted questioningly.

"How did you like Zoe so far." I ask.

"She fits in great, very energetic once she gets over her shyness. She will fit in great with the crew." He said smiling.

"Good" i smiled and walked over to the phone and ordered pizza.

I heard a knock "ross turn down the TV!" I said and he turned it down and i walked up to the door, played the man, signed the ticket, and took the roof and laid it on the island in the kitchen. "Food" i yelled for ross and tim. I grabbed a plate and ate two slices. We ate in a slightly awkward silence knowing things are going to change now that Zoe is here.

ZOE's POV(she's dreaming)
I was in a car, but not with my parents, it was the crew, i cared so much for them already and we just met, i sat in the back left set behind the driver, aka Adam, max beside be and ross beside max, jin in front by Adam, and barney in the back like Adam was in a vlog one time, we were going to lunch, is was my 13th birthday again. We were driving along the road in complete peace and listening to music, next thing we know a semi truck comes strait for us, just like my real birthday, i screamed because no matter how many times you tell yourself its a dream its still scary as hell!! As soon as the truck made impact i woke up in a cold sweat and me being face down on the pillow. I rolled over and whimpered, hoping nobody heard my scream. This wasn't just a nightmare, it was a night terror. I get them every night since the crash, and even some of the orphanage. I curled up in a ball muttering to myself trying to calm my anxious nerves. I rocked myself back and forth humming a song
They say "pain is an illusion" "this is just a bruising" but i am only human, i am only human... I calmed down after singing a few verses of himan by Cristina Perry. I sprawled out on the bed and stared at the roof for a while and put in some headphones, after about 10 minutes of that i decided to sneak into the kitchen knowing everyone had gone to sleep during my nightmare. I snack out as quiet as possible and grabbed a peice of the pizza they ordered and snack back to my room and ate it as i stared at the roof. I knew i wasn't going ti be able to sleep again and it was bout 4:30 am, and the others get up as six so i just put on some earphones and caught up on the past two day's videos from the offices.

How will the guys deal with the night terrors, how will they affect zoes mood for the party? Who knows!?

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