Chapter 7: New Friends

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Chapter 7:

New Friends

That night, I tried and I tried, but it was so hard to fall asleep. All I could do was think of what had happened earlier that day. So, instead of just laying in bed, I got up and walked to my desk. Sitting down, I pulled out a pen and some paper and wrote down everything we had learned so far. I included the Zombie kids, the Fighting 101 class, the way Master Wong called Sage Master Godfrey, the way Sage and Camille acted weird and what Sage and Camille have said about Him and having to keep secrets.

As I thought about it, I remembered I had seen a few teachers talking with Sage; the teachers seemed a bit afraid of him, as if he had the power to hurt them in some way. I was walking by when I saw them so I couldn’t see much. But what I did see was this: They were mad, arguing about something. One teacher whispered furiously at Sage, jabbing a pointed finger at Sage’s chest while gesturing to himself and the other teachers, who were nodding in approval. Sage stood there quietly, face calm and impassive, the epitome of sangfroid.  Then he said something quietly, still calm, but apparently it had had some impact on the teachers, for their expressions turned to those of shock. The first teacher took a step back. Again, Sage said something calmly and quietly. It appeared to be a command, for the teachers started to walk away, with clear expressions of disapproval on their faces.

Snapping out of my flashback, I wrote it down and got out a clean sheet of paper. On it, I wrote ‘suspects’ at the top and made a few bullet points. Then I wrote down the names of Sage, Camille, the teachers I had seen with Sage,  ‘Him,’ and then Dug’s name. I first thought of Dug because of his hate for me and how his vitriolic nature could be a reason why he would help brainwash people. But then I thought, no, Dug is just a regular old bully who enjoys beating up the less weak. And Camille had told him off for trying to pick a fight with me. I’m sure she wouldn’t have done that if they were working together. So I crossed out his name and stood up.

          Crossing my room to my closet, I opened the door and pulled out my rarely used bulletin board with some thumbtacks. I walked back to my desk and lay the board on it. Using the thumbtacks, I pinned the papers on. Then I retrieved my book bag and took out my schedule. Selecting a red marker, I highlighted my Fighting 101 class and pinned that up too. Using a torn piece of paper, I wrote “What we know” on it and pinned it in the middle.

Suddenly I was tired. As if I had finished a marathon instead of writing clues and pinning them up. I stood up from my chair and stumbled to bed, fighting the oncoming sleep.


I was so tired from staying up all night Saturday that I practically slept all of Sunday away. I woke up with just enough time left in the day to video chat with my friends back in Korea and eat dinner before going back to sleep.

And that brings us back to now, with Estella and me at the bus stop in the semi-darkness. I can feel the cold morning air seeping through my jacket, through my shirt and down into my bones. Despite the fact that I hate having to ride the bus, I’m looking forward to its warmth.

Glancing around, I noticed Camille approaching our little bus group. I decided I was going to ask her about Saturday. So, trying to be inconspicuous, for reasons unknown even to me, I walked over to her, took her arm and led her back to Stella, Ignoring her questions and protests along the way. Once I reached my destination I dropped her arm and looked at her hard.

“What was up with you at the mall on Saturday?” I finally asked.

She gives me a strange look as if she had no idea what I was talking about and I was going crazy. “Nothing was up. Sage was just being weird. You know how he is.”

“Ummm, yeah….. right,” I reply, knowing she was trying to avoid answering. “Okay, well what about what he said?” I ask, thinking of how he said he wanted me brainwashed.

Again, she gives me that strange look as if to say I was going crazy because she had no clue as to what I meant. “I really don’t know what you mean, Zeke.”

I felt my eyes widen and my mouth flap open and closed trying to say what I knew she knew. How can she just blow off that question? Of course she knows what I mean! She was standing not ten feet away when Sage said it! I was about to say this, that she had to know, when the bus comes screeching to a halt at the curb. Camille glanced at it and I could see the relief in her eyes- relief, no doubt, that she didn’t have to lie anymore.

“Well, I’ll see you later!” she says in a rush and then she hurries away to find a seat on the bus- no doubt a seat that would put her far away from me.

The whole time this conversation had been going on, Stella was looking on in confusion. I know just how she feels. And now, we simultaneously look at each other as if to say “what the heck just happened?” Estella gave a small shrug that seemed to say “I don’t know, but let’s ponder on it no more.” I gave slight nod of my head and began to board the bus. I’ll not think of this. For now at least.

Upon reaching the top step, I scanned the bus for open seats. I noticed that my earlier prediction was correct; Camille had chosen a spot far from the only vacant seat left. Walking down the aisle, I looked at Camille trying to catch her eye, but she wouldn’t eve look in my direction. I stepped over Dug’s outstretched foot and continued my way to the seat.

Across the aisle from my seat I observed two twins watching Stella and me approach. As we sat down, they leaned close together as if to confer about something then they looked back at us. There was one boy and one girl, both identical to the other. They had brown hair that was almost like a milky chocolate, maybe a little darker. Their eyes were a bright, clear crystal blue; they had strong prominent cheekbones and strong jaws, with soft rounded noses. They looked like they had athlete’s bodies, lean and strong, yet beautiful in a way.

Nudging Stella, who for some odd reason had not noticed the two staring at us, I motioned to the seat next to us. As soon as she looked, both the twins smiled an identical smile; it was a kind, soft, inviting smile that lit up their faces. Both leaned forward to give a greeting.

“Hi! I’m Isaac Patrone,” said the boy.

“And I’m Isadora Patrone. We heard there were two new students! Sorry we weren’t here last week. We had to go to Idaho for some family stuff. Otherwise we would have introduced ourselves earlier.” That was the girl. They both seemed very friendly. And I found myself thinking that Isadora was very pretty. I guess that Isaac would have been considered good looking too since they were twins. But for some reason, even though they were identical, they didn’t look the same to me.

“Oh! Well,” Stella says, recovering from her shock before me, “I’m Estella. Stella for short, or Stell. It doesn’t really matter, I get called by all.  And this is my brother….”

“Oh, uh, Zeke.” I say realizing Stella was letting me introduce myself. “Ezekial really but you can call me Zeke.”

Isaac and Isadora’s faces both lit up again with their identical smiles. “We’re both very glad to meet you! What grades are you in? We’re juniors.” Isaac inquires.

“Uh, well, I’m a freshman and Stella is in 6th grade.” I answer, still a little stunned by their straightforwardness.

“Really? You both look older. I would have thought you were each a grade or two higher.” Isaac replied.

“I agree!” Isadora says while nodding. “You both seem more mature too.”

“Why thank you!” Stella says in a sweet little voice. I rolled my eyes.

“Thanks. I’ve never been told that before.” It was true. I really hadn’t.

“Well you are.” Isadora said with finality. And just then the bus jerked to a stop and the door opened. I realized we were at the school already. So Stella and I said goodbye and departed. And I prepared myself for what would most likely be another strange day at Great Falls Prep.




Well, it's been quite a while since that last time i updated. Again. Thanks to anyone who reads. Comment, vote, follow me. whatever. 

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