David Hurt's - Monomeith

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A beautiful composition,

interlaced with the passionate devotion

to its delicate ecosystem.

A passionate devotion ritualised by a civilisation

descended from a four millennial ancestral pool

originating from a distant world

renowned in their cultural history,

literature and art as







An ancestral home world,

just as beautiful

as Monomeith.

Just as important,

but once tainted by their ancestors greed and turbulent ways.

Only to be saved by diverting their stubbornness and newfound humanity in a positive way,

embracing the negative only to learn from the mistakes incited by them.

This new stubbornness,

became a force that would drive their ancestors

to unite and be bounded only by their mutual urge

to protect all life.

A passionate devotion

to coexist, with each other

and with the life they share

with any goldilocks zone sphere.

A passionate devotion

now interlaced with an untainted

and beautiful composition...

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