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It's been almost three days we have been working on the music video. There would be times I almost slipped up and revealed who I was, and everyday I would make an excuse as to why I was wearing sunglasses. Finally, we were done shooting everything in the midst of the afternoon of the fourth day.

"Hyuna," Jiyong calls for me. It was usual for him to act like a child and carefree once we finished shooting, even on the first day he would act this way.

I hummed a response as I packed everything up including the scenes that were shot so I could edit them.

"Want to go somewhere for lunch? As a thanks for shooting the music video." He asks as his shoulders shrug as his hands are in his front pockets.

I put on one of the backpack straps on my right shoulder and shrugged, "sure. But I'm still wearing my glasses because it's still sunny out!" I defended, letting out a small smile.

He lets one out too and just responds with an okay, going to get ready then coming back.

"So how's it like to have your first major project?" He asks as he takes a sip from his iced coffee as he puts the menu down.

I let out a sigh and shake my head, "it was overwhelming for starters. But I guess I got used to it." I shrugged, still looking over the menu deciding what to get. "If you don't mind me asking, who were the songs Who You and Crooked about? They seemed to carry a deep message." I asked as I closed my menu and put it down.

"Ah." He says as he slowly nods his head, "I was heart broken when I thought I had found the perfect girl for me." He replies as he just looks down, then nodding his head.

I let out a hum and sighing, already going to regret what I was going to say. "I had this college friend. She spoke greatly about you." I looked towards him to see his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "She even said you two were friends!" I whisper shout the last part as I tried to lighten the atmosphere.

"Oh really? Who?" He asks after the waiter had taken our orders.

I fidgeted with my menu, contemplating whether or not to tell him. "[f/n]." I finally said. As soon as I said my own name his head snapped right at me. "Are you two still close?" I ask as I rub my knee with an open hand, growing nervous.

"No." He shakes his head, "she doesn't make an effort anymore so why should I?" He asks as he props an elbow on the table.

Right when he said those words, tears were building up in my eyes, my hand tightening around my knee. A mixture of sadness, anger, and regret stirring inside me.

"She didn't try contacting you again?" I ask as I try to hide my voice that was becoming shaky.

He nods his head, "so I just figured it was best to just leave her alone. I guess you could say there was nothing there between us." He states.

I hang my head down, tears streaming down my face. My hand that was once on my knee, now covering my mouth.

"Hyuna?" He questions, growing worried for the fake person I had become.

"I did try." I said as I look at him in the eyes. "Don't you dare say I never tried contacting you." I say as I take off the sunglasses, wiping away my tears.

There were so many emotions on his face; confusion, pity, anger, and realization. "You never contacted me!" He said as he slightly rose his voice.

I look at him then I look at the window behind him, Marilyn looking right at me, knowing what's happening.

"Don't you say that to me!" I said, standing up from my chair as I was practically screaming while tears kept falling. Pulling out my phone, I opened our conversation, "I tried texting and calling you but you're the one who never tried!" I said as my fingers combed through my hair, trying to calm myself down.

"If you weren't ignoring my messages and telling me the truth as to why you wanted to stop talking, maybe things wouldn't have turned out this way!" He says as his arms get on the table top as he stood up as well.

"Do you want to know why I stopped talking to you?" I ask, squinting my eyes at him as tears fell from that action. "I wanted you to focus on something you love to do. I didn't want to stop and distract you from your career." I continue as a smile appears and fades away in the blink of an eye.

My voice only getting more shaky from there, "I" I started then I exhaled. I sighed and looked down at the table, "I also strived for my career." I stopped looked up to him again, "I strived in my major just so I can direct music videos. Hoping that one day I could see you in action of what you love doing. I wanted to remain seeing the happy, serious, and hard working Jiyong once you came back." I said as I swallowed away my fear, "That Jiyong that I had fallen deeply in love with, soon disappeared once I saw him again."

I said as I walked quickly out of the restaurant and jumping to Marilyn, her hand locks onto my wrist dragging me to her car.

My name being called multiple times only for me to just ignore them, not even giving him one last look at my face.

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