I ask this because of an incident with my daughter at school. Simply treated differently to everyone else because she looks different. Yet what is this difference other that a fate of birth. Inside her mind she no different to anyone else but from the outside others see her as a target. It must be frustrating for her as she knows what she wants to do but the message to from her brain takes a few seconds to react. I can only compare this to when I first had a problem with my eye. My eye would take about five seconds for words to come into focus. I would count down the seconds untill after a while the countdown got shorter as my eyes began to repair.
My question though is about bullying. Why do others do this. Do they really find joy in hurting the feelings of another. In these days of technical equipment we all have , there are even more ways to hurt people. Especially those who have no way of fighting back. When that day finally comes when like my daughter snap then it becomes her fault. My daughter is like so many out there who feel alone , it's not a surprise so many take their lives. How can you get into the mind of these people who do these things to others, for no other reason than they think it's good fun. One day karma will pay them a visit , not a great way to learn a lesson however it's already on its way.
That sounds a little like vengeance. That is not the road to go down. They will one day face themselves and ask their questions on life. Maybe forgiving themselves will be a hard lesson to learn. Karma does have a way of visiting people but perhaps the lessons of this type may be learnt much sooner.
Remember no one person is ever better than you . Never let anyone stand in front of you and feel inferior to them. They could not be you nor could you be them. Each life is unique and each has its own life plan.
Nobody could be you , all you are is what you make of yourself. Not every soul are old souls. So it most likely that the ones being bullied are the oldest souls. Who have no time for such behaviour, while the bullies would be new souls who have much to learn of life. Most people would of experienced this form of bullying in one lifetime or another . You may even of been the one doing it. Your soul will of experienced most things now and learned from them and moved on. So you should feel sorry for the young souls who are still finding their feet in this life. How good it is to know that those that are being bullied are learning more from life and have come so far in many lifetimes to arrive at this point. Your daughter for example will learn more from this life for choosing a difficult life. She will learn much more about herself and will most likely be a very old soul close to completion. Does this surprise you?
Not in the slightest, she has such a good heart and is loved by this those that know her.
That is all that matters . As you say those that know her , that she brings joy to others helps others to understand life that much better. Now this now has come full circle and here is your answer. The people who are bullying her are jealous of her. Despite her disability she she still overcome life. A lesson for everyone .
Talking To My Soul
EspiritualThis book is about talking with your soul. You very self and the only one that knows you for what you really are. This book has conversations I hold with my soul that are written within. In a form of questions and answers , as I make my way through...