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Forgive meeeeeee, it's been too long. Also, I'm a teeny tiny bit rusty at writing smut so, yeah. Love y'all!

On Wednesday Louis goes to work slightly irritated by Harry's attitude. But by the time Louis is up in his office with his cup of coffee he's over it and just happy to be sitting in his comfy chair, reading.

Louis smiles a little as the two side characters who he'd been shipping the whole story, finally got together.

As Louis is turning the page there is a knock on his door. "Come in." Louis says, setting down the manuscript.

Louis tries not to frown when Gigi walks into his office. "Hi, I'm Gigi and I'm new here I just thought I'd go around and introduce myself."

"Yeah I know who you are, you were kind of introduced to the whole office, yesterday." Louis replies, not bothering to look up.

Louis' eyes widen a little when he realizes how rude he's been. "Sorry! Just...tired." He says quickly and Gigi nods a little.

"Right...well your name is?" She asks.

"Louis." Louis says and Gigi nods.

"Okay...well it was nice meeting you. I'm gonna go introduce myself to that cutie with great hair." She says, smiling a little as she waves and leaves Louis' office.

When Louis' office door closes he sticks his tongue out at it. "I hate my life." Louis groans, leaning back in his chair.

Louis reaches for his phone and quickly calls Niall. "Hello?"

"Hey...Ni, if I threw myself out the third floor window do you think I'd die?" Louis asks, leant back in his chair.

"Oh Lou...what happened? Was it the Gigi girl?" Niall asks softly and Louis pouts at the ceiling.

"Yes, yes it was her. She's into Zayn and they're gonna date because he's probably straight and I'm trash." Louis replies and Niall sighs, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Louis, you're not trash." Niall says and Louis sits up a bit.

"Yes I am, if we were to go into Zayn's office where him and Gigi are, I would literally be the trash in his waste bin."

Niall laughs and then quickly tries to quiet himself. "Lou, this is why you get nowhere with people."

"Because I call myself trash?"

"Yes because you call yourself trash, have you learned nothing with Harry?" Niall asks and Louis sighs in annoyance and rolls his eyes.

"I've only learned how to kiss and he was being a dick yesterday." Louis says and when his door opens he slams his phone down on the table, laying an arm over it while resting his chin in his hand.

"Hello, Rob." Louis says to the head editor, with a bright smile.

Rob narrows his dark eyes a small smile on his lips. "Almost finished with that manuscript, Tomlinson?"

"Mmhmm, yup just sitting here... manuscripting..." Louis says, looking away from Rob, whistling a little.

"Finish your call Louis and then get to work, please." Rob says and Louis just smiles sheepishly at him as he leaves the room.

Louis quickly picks up his phone and brings it up to his ear. "Sorry Ni."

"Was that Rob again?" Niall asks while holding in a laugh.

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