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Sorry for any typos 😊😘

On Monday, Louis is awake bright and early dressed in a navy blue button up and some black slacks that fit him just right and his glasses are perched on his nose.

Louis didn't see Harry on Sunday because he didn't answer Louis' texts and Louis' suspicion of him being with someone was found to be true when him and Niall had seen Harry at the mall with his arm around some girl.

Louis didn't care that he was with someone else, he was more upset by the fact that Harry couldn't even take two seconds to tell him he was busy.

Louis was currently driving to work, to the publishing office he worked at. Louis actually really liked his job, he was a reader, always loved reading and always would, and he presumed he had the best job in the office.

Louis was the editor and with this job came about three responsibilities,
1) read
2) decide what books should be considered for publication.
3) edit

Louis did basic editing on anything he thought would sell and then he sent it up to the big man and the head of the publishing office would edit, maybe even change the story and then he made the final decision.

As Louis is pulling into the parking lot, he gets a little giddy when he sees Zayn's dark car.

Louis parks and quickly leaves his car to go inside. Louis enters the building, with his bag slung over his shoulder and he smiles at Eleanor behind the front desk.

"Good morning El." Louis says as he walks past her desk.

"Good morning Louis-wait, wait. We have to do our morning check." Eleanor says standing and quickly walking over to Louis.

"Okay, hmm." Eleanor runs her fingers through Louis' hair then she smooths out his t-shirt. "Turn around." She orders and Louis turns. "Okay, your bum looks good." Louis turns back around and Eleanor grabs his glasses.

"Ha, no." Louis grabs his glasses back and puts them back on.

"Lou, please! You could just wear contacts, I know you have them." Eleanor argues and Louis just shakes his head.

"Not happening, sorry, okay I'll see you at lunch." Louis says waving a little as he turns towards the elevator.

"Okay. Go get him, Lou!" Eleanor dad encouragingly and Louis smiles a little as he reaches the elevator.

Louis goes up to the third floor, adjusting his bag as he patiently waits in the elevator. When it opens, Louis quickly exits and heads to his office.

His office is small and it doesn't have the best view, but it's an office and Louis appreciates the privacy.

Louis sets down his bag that's holding a manuscript he'd been editing and he grabs his coffee mug that has the silhouettes of the kids from Peter Pan, flying to Neverland on it.

Louis makes his way to the break room, smiling at whoever he makes eye contact with.

Louis reaches the break room and he pauses in the doorway when he sees Zayn in there talking to Perry. Louis steps back, runs his hand through his fringe, takes a deep breath and then he walks in.

Louis doesn't know whether to interrupt their conversation to be polite and say good morning so, he stays quiet and walks over to the coffee machine.

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