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Louis practically throws himself at Harry. He jumps into his arms, wrapping his legs around Harry's waist as Harry takes hold of him and keeps their bodies pressed together.

He takes Harry's head in his hands and presses their lips together roughly and the pair can barely kiss because they're both smiling so much.

"I love you too." Louis says against Harry's lips and wraps his arms around Harry's neck tightly because it just feels so amazing to be able to say that.

"I love you. I love you so much, you have to know that." Harry says, continuing to hold up Louis and hug him.

Louis is absolutely ecstatic, he feels on top of the world and he doesn't think that anything can ruin this moment, that is until Harry speaks up.

"So you'll stay?" Harry asks, his voice full of hope as he steadily sets Louis down.

"What?" Louis asks, pulling away from the hug to look up at Harry.

"You'll stay? You won't go? You won't go because we love each other and I don't want to lose you." Harry says and Louis' lips part and his eyebrows furrow, his head slowly beginning to shake. "I told you I love you, doesn't that mean anything?"

"Harry...Harry I'm still going...I... it means the world to me that you love me... but I want this." Louis says and he can't believe what's happening right now.

"W-what, no, no... you can't, I told you I loved you. I have never loved anyone, you have my heart Louis you can't just leave." Harry's crying now and Louis just looks at him astonished, not believing his ears.

"D-did you just tell me so I'd stay? Is that why? You thought it'd make me want to stay with you?" Louis asks and Harry's eyebrows furrow and he feels himself growing frantic and confused.

"No, well, I don't know. Louis I love you, I love you with every part of my being, please."

"I love you Harry. I really do... and if you loved me like you say you do, you'd see this is what I want and you'd be happy to let me go." Louis says, moving himself out Harry's grip, grabbing a shirt and beginning to fold it.

"W-what will I do without you?" Harry whispers, his cheeks tear stained. "You can't go... you can't... it isn't fair, you can't be the love of my life and then leave...I-"

"You're being unfair and selfish Harry. You're trying to guilt me into staying." Louis snaps, throwing the clothes in his hands, into his suitcase.

He's had enough of this, Harry's made this all about him, he hasn't cared one bit about how happy this could make Louis and Louis had, had enough.

"So...what then, you don't believe that I love you?-" Harry starts but Louis cuts him off.

"Stop it, just stop it, I can't believe you. You can't just say that you love me the weekend before I'm supposed to leave, how is that supposed to make me feel? It's already hard enough leaving you, but you're gonna do that shit to me?" Louis begins yelling and something in Harry shifts and his hands go up to his hair.

"You can't believe me? I can't believe you, Louis. I didn't find out until two weeks, two fucking weeks before you had to leave. AND, you didn't even fucking tell me, I had to find your fucking secret drawer." Harry is absolutely seething with anger, his body rigid as he continues, finally getting this off of his chest.

"You knew for how long? Oh yeah, two whole fucking months. We could've done something special, those could have been great fucking months for us, I would've spent more time with you instead of fucking around with a guitar. You're the selfish one, you kept this shit to yourself so it would be easier for yourself to just leave. So don't you come at me with that bullshit!" Harry is shouting and he's red in the face and Louis is already ready to fire back.

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