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The night of Louis' date, while he had been laughing and smiling with Zayn, Harry had been home, crying and talking to his dog.

Harry was up in his bed, he was watching tv and he thought he'd be okay, sometimes he was fine but then he'd just start tearing up out of nowhere.

Bruce had jumped up into his bed and usually Harry would push him off so he wouldn't leave his hair everywhere, but Harry didn't care this time.

The dog had climbed on the bed beside Harry and laid so his head rested on Harry's stomach. "I just don't know what to do." Harry says as he rubs Bruce's head.

"Think I should go get drunk?" Harry asks Bruce who twitches his nose. "I think that's a yes." Harry says sitting up, Bruce just moves his head to the bed, watching Harry who stands and goes to his closet.

When Harry is dressed and ready it's about 9 o'clock. He's drained, emotionally and physically and he really wanted to just lay down and sleep but he didn't think it was good for him to just be sad all day.

Harry had been up in his room all day, just laying in bed feeling sorry for himself. He figured he might as well go get drunk, that was something for him to do.

"Goodbye, Bruce, have a nice night." Harry says as he leaves his room.

Harry ends up in a bar stool with a glass in his hand. He's humming to himself and tapping his foot when someone touches his shoulder.

Harry turns his head and is greeted by bright blue eyes that unfortunately are not Louis', they also belong to a girl. Harry can't even muster up a smirk or anything charming to say. "Mm?" Harry grunts, taking another sip from his glass.

"You need some company?" She asks and Harry just shrugs and she sits down beside him. "Kate." She says, with a smile.

"Harry." He replies setting down his glass.

"So, Mr. Harry, what's a handsome guy like you doing here all by yourself?" Kate asks, pushing her hair back behind one of her ears.

Harry notices that she has brown fluffy hair like Louis. Matter of fact, her hair paired with her blue eyes made Harry think of Louis, she wasn't Louis of course, she came nowhere near being as attractive as him, but she reminded Harry of Louis so he didn't send her away.

"Things are shitty." Harry says with a shrug and Kate nods. "Well..." she begins, placing a hand on Harry's arm. "Wanna get out of here and make things not shitty?"

Later that night when Harry is laying beside Kate, both of them naked, he feels gross. He hadn't enjoyed himself, his orgasm didn't even feel good and he felt like he had to shower and scrub at his skin with soap and boiling hot water.

Harry stayed in his bed though, his head still swimming from all of the alcohol he'd been drinking. He rolled over so he was laying on his stomach and he forced himself to sleep, knowing that in the morning he could send her away and then go on wanting Louis.

It's the morning and Louis had woken up extra early so he could go to Harry's. Louis put on the shirt he'd stolen from Harry's house because he thought it'd be funny if he saw Louis in his shirt and then he'd know where it had gone! Louis thought this was brilliant.

When Louis is fully dressed he gets into his car, humming happily as he puts his seatbelt on and starts his car. He couldn't believe he was going to admire he had feelings for Harry, he was excited and nervous, Louis really believes they have something.

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