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this pic oml, I've never felt more attacked in my life

Louis wanted to kill Harry, he was sure of it. He had made a show of wiggling his bum when Harry looked and he made sure his ass brushed against Harry's dick when he passed and it was ridiculous.

And now, he had to, he just had to, wear a shirt that Harry had worn once and then shoved into the back of his closet.

He had to wear his tight pair of black jeans and Harry's sheer black shirt with red roses.

And Harry had to help him button it and roll up the sleeves and he had to see the way the fabric hung off his shoulder and exposed his collarbones. And he had to see Louis' cute tummy and hips through the sheer fabric and it just wasn't fair that Louis was allowed to be so attractive.

And Harry had to watch when he leant against the doorframe of his closet, rested a hand on his hip, gave a small sly smile and said. "Do I look pretty, Hazza?"

It was all too much. Harry could barely dress himself and he ended up in just a black shirt, dark jeans and a tan jacket with a brown furry collar.

It was getting colder out and Harry told Louis countless times he should bring a jacket, but he didn't listen, claiming his outfit would be ruined.

When they leave Harry's house, Louis keeps on saying that they're going to have a lot of fun. Harry just wanted the night to be over so they could come back home and he could rip the clothes off of Louis.

Harry watches Louis with a pout on his lips as Louis adjusts his shirt so that the top, hangs off his shoulders, exposing his neck and collarbones anymore.

"C'mon Haz." Louis practically jumps out of the car as soon as Harry parks. Harry grumbles under his breath as he shuts off his car and then climbs out of it, trailing after Louis.

Harry's eyes are glued to Louis' ass and he lets out a sad sigh as they enter the club. "Baby." Harry whines and he wraps an arm around Louis' waist, letting his hand rest lower.

"Why'd you drag me out here?" Harry says, lowering his lips to Louis' ear so he can hear him over the music. Louis shivers at the feeling of Harry's breathe tickling his ear.

"Since when did you become such a hermit?" Louis asks, poking Harry teasingly in the ribs. "Why would I come out with all these wankers, when I can be cuddled up with you?" Harry asks and Louis smiles up at Harry, he goes up onto his top toes and presses a kiss to Harry's cheek.

"Dance with me." Louis says, taking Harry's hands and pulling him onto the dance floor.

Harry is preparing to roll his eyes until Louis turns around and presses his ass to Harry's dick. Harry's eyes widen and his hands go to Louis' hips.

"You're really hot." Harry mumbles, burying his head into the crook of Louis' neck. Louis smiles to himself and arches his back, pressing himself more into Harry.

The boys abandon the dance floor some time later, they're both sweaty and Harry is sporting a boner, but he really doesn't care.

They get drinks and everything is going great until they're back on the dance floor and some random man tries to dance with Louis.

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