Nothing goes as planned

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Thranduil turned around and saw his son approaching them. He looked at Belegur and Istor proudly.

"This is my son, Legolas."

Belegur pulled Legolas in an unexpected embrace.

"You look just like your father and it seems that you are as much of a warrior as he is. Your body is strong and your muscles are trained."

Legolas was overcome with pride on hearing these words. He only hoped that the beautiful elleth standing close by had heard them, too. Legolas was greeted by Istor in a similar manner. He embraced the prince and eyed him closely.

"We have already heard many tales of your brave deeds during the War of the Ring. I am very much looking forward to hearing your own version of the dark war."

Legolas smiled at him and nodded. "If time should permit it, I will gladly tell you about the war which destroyed the darkness once and for all."

Thranduil had kept an eye on the two young elleth and now turned towards Belegur.

"Let us lead you to the chambers that have been arranged for your stay here. You must be weary from you long journey."

The king led them into his halls and his guests were amazed by their beauty. When everyone was accommodated in their chambers, they began to assemble in the king's private dining room. Everything had been arranged and Legolas found the opportunity to introduce himself to the sons of the two lords. He was pleased that he would enjoy their company for the following months. They were all well educated and had unique features. Legolas, joyous to be around them, sat at the table and soon the young ellyn were engaged in a conversation.

Thranduil was talking with Belegur and Istor while the ellith were the last ones to arrive. First Riniel and Galliel walked into the dining room and took their seats. Within minutes after their mothers' appearance, Tinnueth and Esteleth arrived. They were smiling at each other and speaking in hushed voices. Legolas was sitting at the table, listening with great interest to the tales of the elven settlements in the north. When the doors opened, he noticed the two young ellith walking into the dining room.

His attention to the conversation waned as Legolas' eyes drank in her beauty. He felt his whole being attracted to her. She was now wearing a light yellow dress with small flower patterns embroidered on its sleeves. Her eyes were glittering with delight. Legolas noticed that the pace of his heart had quickened when she had entered the room. He would not mind to sit all night and watch her every move and listen to every word she spoke. The enthralled prince could not take his eyes off her. A faint smile graced his thin lips and his heart was carried away by her glowing presence.

When everyone was seated, Thranduil spoke a few words before they began to eat. Legolas was so enchanted by the young elleth that he did not even pay attention to what he was eating. For him the festival had paid off already. He was absolutely satisfied. It would be easy to fulfill his father's wish. He hoped that the elleth would develop a similar feeling for him as he already felt for her.

Esteleth and Tinnueth did not notice Legolas' stares. Quite fatigued and hungry after their long journey, they ate and talked of the dark forest, in which they would spend their days for the following months. Mirkwood still lived up to its name. A part of it remained dark and dangerous, and the Mirkwood elves were still fighting hard against the remnants of the vile influence which had been lying upon the forest for thousands of years. It was a slow, yet definite process. They had freed large areas around the palace from unwanted inhabitants over the last decades.

Thranduil was deeply absorbed by his conversation with Belegur and Istor. The latter were aware of the purpose of the festival and Thranduil hoped that they would have an open mind regarding their daughters' marriage.

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