Drama in Mirkwood

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Legolas and Esteleth rose from the bench in slow motion. Out of his protective instinct Legolas held his arm in front of Esteleth and gently pushed her behind him. Seeing his father in seething anger was no pretty sight. He held Esteleth by her wrist, making sure that she would stay behind him, thus shielded from his father's fury.

"Both of you! In my study! Now!"

The king's voice thundered through the garden and he left them behind, knowing that they would follow him soon.

When his father's voice boomed at them in anger, Legolas could feel her body tremble with fear. He had completely ruined the beautiful moment they had shared. Esteleth had opened herself and her heart to him, but his father's behaviour must have hit her like a hard blow in the stomach the moment she was open and vulnerable. Legolas turned around to Esteleth and embraced her. She buried her face in his chest and he gently stroked her back, trying to soothe her. She let out a sob, and Legolas felt anger accumulating within him. This kingdom was no place for an elleth with such a gentle heart. He would not stay here with her. It seemed to the prince that his time at his father's side was over.

"Dear Esteleth, as much as I desire it, we cannot stay here. We have to go to my father. Please have faith in me that he will not harm you. I'll protect you from his wrath."

Legolas kissed her forehead. He took her by the hand and led her back to the palace.

Thranduil waited in his study on them. He stood erect, his arms crossed over his chest, trying to control his raging fury. His anger was written all over his face. Legolas knocked on the door and together with Esteleth they entered his father's study.

The king looked down at Esteleth, and began to speak to her with a disgusted expression.

"You have lied to my son! You have tried to enchant him with beauty and charm. But I have knowledge of your misdeeds. You may have fooled my son, but you cannot fool me!"

Thranduil's eyes were narrowed and his expression was furious. Legolas could not understand what his father was talking about, but before he could open his mouth to ask him, the king went on with his accusations.

"You have deliberately given my son false information about Tinnueth in an attempt to lure him into your arms. Sorceress!I will not tolerate your presence in my kingdom any longer!"

"Nonsense! What do you know of her deeds?" Legolas had stepped closer to his father, his anger written all over his face.

"My son, she has told you that Tinnueth hates weapons and fighting. That she loves flowers and that she is romantic. You have acted according to the advice she has given you. And the result is, because you did everything wrong, that Tinnueth is now with Esgaron and not with you. This elleth here is a liar and deserves to be treated like one."

Esteleth was frightened to death by the king's murderous gaze, which he had fixed upon her, torturing her with his cold and penetrating stare. She let go off Legolas' hand and ran out from the study.

"It was not her that lied to me. I am the one who has lied to you, father! She answered all of my questions truthfully, but I was the one that changed the facts to fit my purposes. I was the one who loved Esteleth first. And I lied to you in order to escape from a marriage I did not desire. She has nothing to do with this! Leave her alone and mind your own business. I will not bother Tinnueth with my attention and flowers again. I hated doing this. I love Esteleth and you cannot change that. If you cannot tolerate this, then I am out of here. If this is the case, then I will leave this kingdom with Esteleth instantly and travel north to her father's home."

Thranduil had heard enough. His voice thundered at Legolas.

"You are going nowhere! I will personally make sure that you will stay in my kingdom. Even if that means that I will have to lock you up in my dungeons! She is leaving this kingdom, and you are staying here with me. You are my son, my subjects' prince, and my heir."

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