Taking advantage of Tinnueth's habits

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Maldor and Esgaron were standing at the open window in their chambers, having a discussion.

"I saw her in the healers' garden together with the prince. She seemed greatly entertained by his endeavour to please her."

Maldor touched his brother's arm and smiled at him.

"So what? Who is he? How long has he known her? Listen to me brother. I have noticed how the king watches her. His son wants to marry your Tinnueth. But I already have a plan. And it's very simple."

Esgaron walked towards his bed and sat down, looking frustrated and defeated.

"This is not simple. He is a prince. He will easily..."

"No, no, no. My dear Esgaron..." Maldor walked over to his brother and sat beside him.

"You know as well as I do that she does not care about titles of any kind. He will not be able to impress her that easily. She is simply being polite. That's all. But we have an advantage. And we will use it for our purposes."

Esgaron looked at his brother in expectation. "What kind of advantage do we have?"

Maldor smiled confidently. "We know her habits, and we will take advantage of them."

A victorious grin appeared on Esgaron's face. He nodded his head as he looked into his brother's eyes.

"Yes. But how will I know when I need to be ready?"

"I will help you. Do not worry. I am sure she will need a partner tonight. I am absolutely certain of this."


Tinnueth walked down the long corridors of the king's halls. Vividly remembering their tour through the halls that day, she headed straight for the practice ground. Her shiny sword was ready in her hand. Her fingers curled around the hilt in a tight grip, making her knuckles turn white. She had changed her silly dress for black leggings and a dark grey tunic and the only thing she wanted to do right now was to hack into something hard. Very, very hard. She was infuriated by all that nonsense and by the fact that, one way or another, she would be expected to take part in the foolish festival.

Arriving at the dimly lit practice ground, her elven eyes spotted a figure on its far end. She was not alone. But she did not mind. As she approached the shadowy figure, she recognized Esgaron. He had brought his sword and he was standing near the tree trunk which was hanging from the high ceiling, still swinging by Esgaron's hard sword strikes. He turned and looked at her in surprise.

"My lady Tinnueth, what has brought you here at this late hour?"

She stood still as she analyzed his words. What did she hope to achieve by coming here?

"I have come to practice."

Esgaron looked past the elleth towards the entrance of the hall, and turned his surprised face back towards her.

"You have come here alone. How are you going to practice?"

Tinnueth sighed but remained silent. Esgaron knew all too well that she would hack into the tree trunk until it became unrecognizable. He was well aware of her temper. She had come alone.

"If you wish, I can be your opponent. I could not find rest and decided to practice my sword skills. It has been long since we last practiced sword fighting together. I have improved my skills."

It did not matter to her who her opponent would be. She had to release her anger and the easiest way was by fighting something... or someone. She raised her sword in acceptance of his offer. Without saying another word Tinnueth went into position and swung her sword at Esgaron. He blocked her stroke, though surprised by the force of it. He had forgotten her strength when it came to sword fighting. They began to swing at each other, their swords meeting with a loud clang, echoing through the large hall. She approached him swiftly and brought her sword upon him with full force. Esgaron jumped back just in time and fended off her strike. Her fast strikes could not be blocked easily. The fighting became fierce, and Esgaron began to sweat.

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