Supporting the desire of the Prince

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Thranduil had spent the rest of the night with Tinnueth. They had not spoken, but had enjoyed their companionship. The fact that they both had spoken honestly about their feelings and fears had led them closer to each other. It gave them a sense of closeness that would slowly but surely deepen more and more. The bond which they had formed had already begun to strengthen them. Tinnueth body and fae found a peace in the presence of the king which she had never known. It not only healed her, but it also made her feel complete. Tinnueth began to understand what a bond between two elves really meant. Previously she had feared marriage and had tried to avoid it at all costs. But now she knew that it made them both stronger. It seemed to heal both of them.

Thranduil had similar thoughts. His fae had finally found the peace for which he had unknowingly yearned for.The emptiness and silence in his self slowly began to lose volume. Slowly but surely his existence brightened and he could feel how the worries and sufferings of countless years began to distance from him. There was no more space for them. He was very impressed about how quickly his fae reacted to the situation. She began to slowly but steadily to blossom. The king would have never expected that this would happen to him again. This was definitely a second chance which he had received, and he would not waste it. It was far too precious. Thranduil was ready to do anything for her, and he knew that she would do the same for him. After thousands of years which he had lived, he would learn something that would be new to him. He would marry a elleth who did this with pleasure. He would rule his kingdom with a queen, which would stay at his side forever. An elleth which wanted to share his life. Thranduil sighed. Perhaps he would be again blessed with an elling, who would know the love of a mother. The king closed his eyes and breathed in her scent deeply. His long and lonely journey had finally come to an end.

The Citizens of the woodland realm rejoiced in the news that their king and had found an elleth with which he wanted to spend his life. The news had spread like a wildfire, and the already happy elves were deeply touched when they heard the news about their king. It was before dawn, and in the palace preparations for the betrothal ceremonies were at full speed. Countless elves were running back and forth excitedly and decorated the large hall. Others were in the kitchen and had begun to prepare the feast, while some elves had gone into the gardens to pick flowers. In the tailoring of the palace, the seamstresses worked feverishly on recent changes on Esteleth dress. Thranduil had brought Tinnueth to her parents. She did not want to stay longer on the healer ward. The king stood on his balcony and looked out into the night. His son would celebrate his betrothal today and Thranduil had to make some preparations, which he took very important as a father. An engagement ceremonyamong elves was very simple and relatively short. The parents of the ellon and elleth made certain preparations which were auspicious. The bride's parents made a wreath of flowers for their daughter, which not only represented the eternal beauty and youth of the elleth, but also her fragility, the subtle purity of her fae and her body. The parents of the groom forged the engagement ring for their son. It represented the strength of the ellon, his willpower, and his courage and bravery. Qualities which were highly appreciated among elves. The groom would give this ring to his future wife along with his promise to maintain those qualities and to share them with her. Thranduil would forge the ring for Legolas himself. He had never cared if his son was married or not. But the pressure from his subjects and elves outside his kingdom had grown over the years. The fact that his son would finally marry filled Thranduil with pride. The king wondered about Legoals future and enjoyed the idea that his son son would become a father someday. It seemed a lifetime ago that Legolas was born. The cool night air blew into Thranduil's face and he breathed it in deeply. The sun would soon appear on the horizon and stain the few clouds in the sky in a color scale from yellow and orange to purple. The air promised a sunny day and Thranduil's thoughts traveled back to the day when Legolas had been born.

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