Mutual Yearning

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Esteleth left her chambers, carrying a large tea pot in her hands and walked quickly down the corridor. Suddenly she was grabbed at her wrist by a strong but gentle hand that pulled her through a door. Her fright soon turned to relief when she beheld the prince who was looking down at her kindly.

"My prince... you scared me."

Legolas felt a sting in his heart when he heard her words. He had not meant to scare her. He had only taken advantage of the opportune moment when he saw her walking past his door.

"Please, forgive me. I did not mean to bring harm to you in any way. I just needed to talk to you. When I opened my door and saw you walking by, I acted before I thought. Please accept my sincere apology."

Esteleth gave him a faint smile on hearing his words.

"And what is it that you need to speak with me?"

The prince felt intoxicated by her presence. He watched her beautiful pink lips move as she spoke, and wondered how they would feel and taste like if he kissed her. Biting his lower lip his eyes travelled up to meet hers. She eyed him with expectation. Legolas brought himself back to reality and smiled at her.

"Please forgive me. I was lost in thought. Please sit down with me on my settee."

He carefully took the teapot from her hands and placed it on a small table below the mirror. Then he walked her over to the sofa and made sure that she was sitting comfortably before he seated himself next to her. He gathered up his courage.

"My father wishes that I marry lady Tinnueth. I am supposed to flatter you tonight in order to gain information about your friend. My father has a quite difficult personality. He always gets what he wants. I must obey him but I do not wish to hurt you. Could you please help me?"

His sincere words and kind face touched Esteleth's heart deeply. She smiled gently at him and laid her hand tenderly over his. Legolas looked down at their hands and felt a tingling sensation spreading from his hand throughout his whole body. He raised his gaze to her eyes as she began to speak.

"What is it that you need to know?"

His eyes widened in surprise by the fact that she was more than eager to help him. Legolas sighed in relief and began to ask her whatever he wanted to know. It seemed that lady Tinnueth was no ordinary elleth. At least not one of the kind that Gladhriel had thought of when she had offered him advice. Tinnueth was strong and proud. She did her service with the guards in her homeland, and never rejected a possibility to fight. Her temper was easily raised. And if that happened, she would usually fight with somebody. She had known Esgaron since they were young elflings, and he had always felt attracted to her. But Tinnueth had never reciprocated his feelings. In her mind there was no space for love. But she was a great friend. When Legolas could not think of any more questions to ask, he fell silent. They continued to sit on his settee, and he felt the warmth from her hand which still covered his own.

"Thank you very much for your help. My father demanded that I ask you to dance with me tonight at the opening ball. Even though we have spoken already, I will still ask you to dance with me. I hope that you don't mind."

Esteleth smiled and shook her head.

"My prince, I will be more than ready to dance with you."

She rose from the settee and took the teapot from the table as she approached his door. Legolas rose abruptly and opened his mouth to speak, but remained silent. She reached his door, then she opened it. When he saw that she had closed it behind her, he felt disheartened. What could he have said to her? That his heart longed for her? He sat down again in frustration, and looked out over the balcony into the sky. It would rain tonight.

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