Chapter One

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"Jamie Shut up!" I yelled as the phone was ringing. Busy again. I was trying to be the 70th caller for Hot 93.7's contest. "But did they pick up!?" She asked as we stopped at a red light. I held up a finger & dialed the number again. One ring & Someone picked up. "Congrats, You're our 70th caller!" A man said. I squealed. "Oh my god You're joking right!?" I asked as I could hear my voice echo on Jamie's car radio. "No i'm not. Now here are One Direction" The man stopped. "Hello love! Congratulations, We will fly you out to London & We'll contact you with the information on where to get your tickets for two & backstage passes" Liam Said. My heart was beating like crazy. I've entered so many contests to try & meet these boys & I finally won one. "We will call you back when we're off air. Is this number what you want us to call back at?" Zayn asked. "Yes" I said biting my lip trying to hold in my excited screams. "Oh and your name?" Harry asked. "Haylee" I said. "Okay love. Have a nice evening" Louis said. "Thank you" I said aa they hung up. Me and Jamie started screaming. We jumped as a car sped past us & beeped. We looked up & the light was green. Jamie started driving. "I can't believe that just happened!" I said grining ear to ear. "Me neither" Jamie said pulling into her driveway. "You sure I can stay the night?" I asked. "Yes!" Jamie said. "Alex isn't going to be annoyed?" I asked. She shook her head as we got out the car and opened the trunk. I grabbed my bag of clothes. You see, Alex is Jamie's boyfriend and they have this relationship where they can barely do anything by theirselves or with others. They're madly 'in love'. Jamie unlocked her front door & I walked over to the couch. I set my bag on it & followed Jamie to the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner?" She asked. "I don't care" I said leaning against the kitchen doorway. Jamie turned around holsing her water bottle she just took out the fridge. "Haylee, stop being stubborn" She said walking back over to me. "What do you want?" She asked once again. "Chinesse" I said. "Sounds good. I'll order now."


Jamie & I sat at the kitchen table eating our chinesse waiting for Alex to get home from work when my phone starts vibrating in my pocket. I quickly pull it out. Unknown number? It might be the boys trying to reach me for my ticket information. I picked it up as Jamie flashed me a confused look. I held up a finger. "Haylee?" I heard Niall ask. Yes it was them! "Yes." I said trying to keep calm. "Okay, We'll we will be flying you out here to Newark, London tomorrow at 9:30pm in your timezone. There will be a man waiting for you at the New jersey airport with a sign with your name. You'll be driven to a hotel, which we'll pay for & your two tickets & backstage passes will be given to you by us." Liam said. "Okay. But,Wait how?" I asked. "We'll be meeting you at the hotel at 7:00pm for dinner & to give you your tickets to you & your lucky friend" Louis said. I almost died. I get to have dinner with them! "Oh okay. I can't wait" I said. "Us either" Zayn said. "We have to go now so see you tomorrow." Liam said. "Bye!" I said before hanging up I explained everything to Jamie as we finished dinner. As I was doing dishes & Jamie was putting away the left overs Alex walked in all dirty from his autoshop job. "Hey babe" Alex said hugging Jamie. I rolled my eyes as they kissed. Alex pulled back & Came over to me. "Do not even" I said stepping back. The grease and grime looked fresh on his white t-shirt. No way did i want that on me. "I just want a hug from my dear old best friend." He said laughing. Alex pulled me into his arms hugging me tightly. "eww Alex!" I yelled. Jamie was dying from laughter. Alex pulled away. "Thanks now I'm going to waste all your hot water jerk." I teased walking away.


I finished drying myself off & putting my clothes on. I put my hair in a messy bun. I opened the door and walked down the hallway. I stopped at the end as I heard yelling. "Alex! Nothing is going to happen!" I heard Jamie yell. "You're 18 & gorgeous for god sakes and guys are perverts. You shouldn't be going to London by yourself!" Alex spoke calmly. I poked me head around the corner and saw Jamie and Alex standing in front of the couch. Alex was never the type to get a big temper with a girl. So he tried to be as calm as possible. "I'm going to be with Haylee! & It's just for a concert & dinner with our idols!" Jamie screamed. "It doesn't matter. Anything could happen." Alex said before walking out the front door & slamming it. Jamie sat on the couch & started crying. I quickly walked over to her. "Are you okay" I asked sitting down & hugging her. She shook her head in my chest. "I'll talk to him." I said getting up & running out the front door. It was dark out. Damn, when had it turned night? I saw Alex turn the end of the street. I really don't want to run. I sighed and ran down the street and turned the block. Alex was a good 5 feet ahead of me. I ran up to him. Huffing & panting as I started walking beside him. "Alex. These are here idols. We've loved them and stood by them for 3 years now." I said. "I'm worried. I know something is going to happen." He said. "This means the world to her & I. I promise nothing will happen. You have to let her go." I said. "You promise?" He asked stopping. I stopped & nodded. "Okay." Alex said about to pull me into a hug but i stopped him "You can hug me when you shower. You stink & I just showered." I said. Alex laughed as we starred walking back to the house.

*9:28Pm The next day*

"I love you. You have everything right?" Alex asked Jamie as they stood there hugging. "Babe. Yes." She said before kissing him. I fake gagged. They laughed pulling away. "Hey idiot. Don't feel left out. I love you too" Alex said hugging me. "I'll miss you jerk" I teased as we pulled away from the hug. "Flight 324" A Lady on an intercom announced. Jamie & Alex kissed one last time. "Behave. I love you girls" Alex said as we made our way to the Lady.



This hotel is amazing. The boys got us our own seperate rooms & they're huge! I just finished straightening my hair. I have on a black flowy dress that stops at my knees & black heels. Jamie has on a red dress tight dress that stops just above her knees with silver heels & her hair is curled. This is it. I am meeting One Direction. & The boy i've dreamed about all my life, Louis Tomlinson. "Okay we're supposed to be waiting in the lobby. Lets go." I said grabbing my small black purse. We took the elevator down to the lobby and sat down on one of the couches by the front desks. I picked up a magazine & Jamie took her phone out as she sat cross legged beside me. "Haylee Clark?" I heard a boy ask. I looked up to see Louis Tomlinson.

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