Chapter 2 - He's here finally!

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"Oh my God, MEG!" I yelled, grabbing a hold of her shoulders as I yanked her to me, "Do you know who that is? Do you?!"

Meg gave me this blank stare as she yanked my hands off of her, "I don't know who she is Chrissy."

"First of all, it's a he-"

"Are you sure?" Meg asked, "his hair is so luscious and it looks like it will flow in the wind-"

"Yes I am sure," rolling my eyes and shaking my head. I turned my face back to Raoul, "at my old house in Sweden, before your mother killed my father-"

" She did no such thing!" Meg yelled.

I slapped my hand over her mouth because she obviously was going to start a war with me and I am Christine Daae, main character of this story, and I do not have time for that, "He and I used to be the best of friends. He called me Little Lotte."

"Christine he's so..... handsome," Meg replied, removing her friend's hand from her mouth.

Carlotta then pushed a few unfortunate souls out of her way, causing them to fall on the stage as she made her way towards the front.

"Oh and this is Carlotta Guidicelli, the current prima donna of our theatre apparently," Monsieur Firmin announced, looking all around as if he were scared.

"Well that's nice. Thanks for letting me buy you all things," Raoul commented, giving everyone a good look over before taking Carlotta's hand and kissing it. It tasted like pure sugar.

"Brava! Brava!" Piangi exclaimed as he witness his wife's hand being kissed, wanting to be noticed as well.

"And that's Piangi," Firmin also addressed, causing Piangi to bow in appreciation of being recognized.

Raoul nodded politely, "That's nice. I'm going to go now so keep rehearsing for these two."

"Thank THE HEAVEN'S WE CAN GET BACK TO REHERARSING THIS OPERA!" Monsieur Reyer exclaimed, tapping his broken wizard wand on the stand as everyone got into place.

"He loves me Piangi!" Carlotta could be heard exclaiming, running towards her husband as she hugged him tightly.

Piangi hugged his wife in return, "No, he loves me and not you!"

Carlotta glared at him, "No, he loves me most!"

"PLACES PEOPLE!" Monsieur Reyer called, tapping the magic wand once more as it threw up blue fairy dust on the orchestra.

"Dammit," the #1 chair violinist exclaimed.

This whole scenario left me pouting. How in the world did Raoul, that pretty boy from my childhood, not notice me, Christine Daae? I will have to go to chapel later and tell my dead father to curse him in his free time. Yes, yes. Or I could just tell my father to make him notice me somehow, which might be even better. Or even both!

"He didn't see you," Caption Meg Obvious announced beside me, running towards her position.

I sighed dramatically, awaiting my chance to be in the spotlight as I made my way next to Meg, thankfully we always had positions next to each other because you know, squad goals and such.

The music began and we started our routine, with Meg's mother standing beside the managers as they continued conversing about which ballerina was the hottest one. They kept looking towards La Sorelli, which made me a little jealous. Not that I want to be oogled by 100 year old men or anything, but wasn't I the main character of this whole story? Sure didn't feel like it. Oh God, AM I ONLY A SIDE CHICK?

"That woman is a blonde angel!" Monsieur Firmin exclaimed, pointing to none other than Meg.

Dammit, I thought to myself, I must be the side chick. Well, congrats Meg you bested me this time -

"That's my daughter you pervert!" Madame Giry exclaimed, stomping her cane on Andre's foot.

Andre cried out in pain as the whole ballet tried to not laugh at the scene. We continued it thankfully and I started moving my body in all sorts of ways, trying to get noticed by these men. Maybe if they think I am pretty enough they will make me a star! Yes! Because no one else is working on my own career apart from me.

"But- but what about that one over there, her friend with the brown curly hair? She's not your daughter I am sure of it," Firmin continued, not at all bothered.

Madame Giry rolled her eyes, "Technically no. She's Christine Daae; a fine dancer if I may say so myself."

"I've heard of that name before," Andre pondered, his left foot now out of the shoe as it had swollen three times its normal size.

"Wait, the Swedish violinist's daughter? Gerard was it?" Firmin asked, rubbing his head from thinking too hard.

"Gustave. And yes his only child. He died 10 years ago but I consider her my daughter as well," Madame replied.

Firmin snapped his fingers as the chorus began to sing loudly.

"Hannibal's Friends! The trumpeting elephant sound. Hear, Romans, now and tremble. Hark to their step on the ground; Hear the drums! Hannibal comes!"

"At least they know their lines," Andre reasoned as he continued to watch.

Firmin was too busy staring at the other dancers to listen to what his friend was saying. Andre soon caught wind of this and too began just watching the dancing.

"Why are you only watching the dancing girls huh? I AM CARLOTTA AND I DEMAND YOU LOVE ME!" Carlotta yelled.

"Carlotta, we're just super excited about tonight's performance!" Andre pleaded.

"Well good he better be because I will NOT be singing!" Carlotta yelled back at them.

"Ugh, Firmin you handle this," Andre said, fainting on the spot.

No on paid him any mind as Firmin went over to her, "I must grovel. I AM GROVELING CARLOTTA. PLEASE. GROVEL GROVEL GROVEL GROVEL GROVEL."

"Si!" Carlotta said in praise, her power bar slowly climbing the more they groveled.

Soon the whole room was saying the word, causing Carlotta to restore to full power as she calmed down from yelling.

"What do my manager's command?" Carlotta purred, all to happy with the praise she received.

"Please sing us the Think of Me song from tonight's aria!" Firmin exclaimed, causing Andre to rise up from the floor.

"If you want," Carlotta stated, sighing as she began to sing like a toad.

"Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye. Remember me, once in a while please, promise me you'll try. When you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free-"

Then suddenly, several things kept falling on Carlotta. Some sheet music, some music stands, half of Monsieur Reyer's broken wizard wand and the blue fairy dust, and then the backdrop and her singing came to a halt.

Meg clinged onto me as she normally does because she's a scardy cat and yelled loudly, "HE'S HERE! THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! OH MY GOOD GOLLY GOSH!"

Who the heck is this man? I thought, Maybe my Angel of Music knows.

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