Coming Clean

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Leo looks at me. "Oh so you guys have already met?"

Brian looks at me with his devilish eyes. I avoid all eye contact. "Leo boy, she is the mayor's daughter everyone knows her and plus I'm the captain of the football and wrestling team. Every one knows me."

Leo starts to laugh. "Of course. Silly me."

I force a laugh. "Well it was nice to see you again Brian. I'll see you tomorrow Leo." I turn to walk down the steps.

"I thought you were gonna come in."

"I'm sorry I forgot. It's my turn to cook dinner tonight." I just lied through my teeth. I needed to get out of there fast. Brian's eyes were beaded into my skin.

"Oh okay. See you tomorrow Kel.  Maybe you can come over tomorrow after school?"

I smiled. "Okay."  I fast walked to my car, not even waiting if Leo heard me or not.

I got my phone from my pocket and pulled up Jason's chat. I drove around the block so Brian couldn't come back out or something. I texted Jason once I was parked.

Me: Meet me somewhere NOW!

Jason. Woah. Is something wrong?

Me: Not yet.

Jason: Do you want me to come back over to you house?

Me: Did you leave?

Jason: I'm sitting in your driveway. I was just about to leave. I'll go back inside.

Me: Okay...

I pull in my driveway and pull the keys out of the ignition and race to the front door. I rush through the door, running up the stairs and run into my room. Jason is standing there, looking out the window.

I slam the door behind me. "Leo is Brian's new step brother and I saw Brian. I was suppose to meet Leo's family tonight, but I lied. But now I'm suppose to go over there tomorrow after school." I say it so fast and I'm out of breath. More so just from running up the stairs.

Jason comes closer and takes my arm, leading me to my bed. "Kel-see." He almost just called me Kel, I could tell he wanted to. "I'm not really sure what to say."

I start to shake a little. "Leo and I are suppose to go out this weekend. Jason even though I just met him, I really like him."

Jason's POV:

"Leo and I are suppose to go out this weekend. Jason even though I just met him, I really like him."

Red flags! She likes him? What do I say to that? Oh I'm sorry, but I have first dibs. Yeah right.

"Then just tell him you aren't comfortable meeting his parents."

"Jason I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want Brian to think he won."

"What do you mean won?"

She is the most confusing girl I have ever met, but the most beautiful girl.

"I can't let him know he got to me. I need to put on a brave face, letting him know that he can't downgrade me."

Oh my poor Kelsee.

"Kelsee, that's a big burden to carry. You can't do that."

She stand straight up. "And why not?" Her checks are flushed.

"Because you can't do it alone. You try to bottle everything up. Hinding your true feelings from the world. Not letting the world know you are broken."

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