Going on an adventure!

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This is Jason Miles. Played by Nolan Gerard Funk.

Kelsee's POV:

I wake up in cold sweats. I can still feel his hands on my inner thighs. I can still feel the heat of his palms. His mouth on my neck. I can still remember the scent of his cologne. I look around my room trying to calm down.

After my breathing is back to normal, I notice someones arm is around my stomach.

I start to freak out, letting out small whimpers. Please, it can't be Brian. He doesn't know where I live, or does he? I don't know! I start shaking. It's getting harder to breath. I don't know what to do.

The stranger beside me starts to stir in their sleep.

"Kelsee." I start to shake even more. The person sits up, I can't see him, I cant think straight. "Calm down Kelsee. Its only me. It's Jason. Who ever you thought I was, I'm not. You're okay now."
He lays back down, pulling me closer to his body.

"He won't leave my memory. His face, it was so cold. His hands they they-" I start to quietly sob into Jason's neck.

"Kelsee, just fall back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." I nodded and shortly I fall back to sleep to the scent of Jason's cologne, which is a completely different scent from Brian's.

I wake up to the sun shining through my window. I turn around to check the time on my bed side table. 7:44. Oh shoot! Its a school day! First period already started! I hop out of my bed and run into my bathroom.

I quickly pull my hair up into a messy bun, wipe the left over makeup off with water, and brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are blood shot and puffy. I look like I got hit by a bus.

I exit the bathroom and head straight across my room to my closet. I notice off to my right side, someone is in my bed. I tried to think back to last night who it possibly could be, but I can't remember. I slowly go over to the mound under the covers and poke at it. I continued to poke at them until it started to move.

"Kelsee, what do you want?" Yes! I remember, its Jason. Oh my goodness! Jason Miles slept in my bed, with me! I sat down on the end of the bed.

My heart starts to race. "Why are you in my bed? We didnt you know, right?"

Jason pops up out from under the covers. "No, Kel, we didn't. You were really upset about something last night and you asked me to stay with you because you were scared."

That's right. I remember it all now. Oh my goodness, now I have to go to school and face my offender. How am I going to do this? I put on a brave face. "Well, we better get ready to go to school. First period already began."

"Kelsee, you dont really believe you can go to school today. I mean look at you, you are a complete mess."

"Well one way to bring up my self esteem."

"Nah. Just thought it needed to be knocked down a little bit." He laughs.

Well last night surely brought it down a lot. I guess I must have shown in my face, that his comment hurt because Jason comes closer and wraps his arm around me. "Kel, I didn't mean it like that. You know, you can talk to me about what happened last night."

Yeah right! He never cared for me before, why does he now? I stiffen up and walk over over to my closet. I could tell he was upset I didn't tell him, but I know he doesnt care.

"You better get ready for school."

"We arent going to school. I already called both of us in saying we werent going to be there."

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