Chapter 1- Belle

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5 months ago

I took a deep breath of the fresh air while I stepped out of my father's rental car. I held my Yorkie dog and looked around at my new house. "Papa, it's wonderful," I said, turning to look at him smiling.

My father looked back at me, probably not hearing what I had said. "Huh?" he asked, his blue eyes dancing merrily. "Yes, I am hungry as well." He nodded his head before starting to trek towards the house.

"I didn't ask if you were hungry, Papa," I said, laughing. I closed the car door with my hip and followed him into the house, glad that we had gotten it fully furnished, and the horses settled in before we had to come. "I was saying that the house was wonderful."

Papa looked at me over his spectacles, his blue eyes shining with warmth. "Yes, yes, it is." He nodded his head. "It's a good size for both of us." He smiled at my dog when she yipped. "And for Pippa as well." His eyes held a deep sadness in them, and I knew that he was thinking of my mother. "She would've loved this place."

I frowned and nodded my head. "She'd be happy that you have found a new job," I said, sincerity filling my voice.

My dad smiled and tucked a strand of my brown hair back behind my ear. "Yes, I am sure that she will," he said. He sighed. "Well, let's get the rest of the stuff moved in so I can see where my workplace is."

I nodded my head and set Pippa down. "Are you going to take Amara to work, or will you take the car?"

"I'm going to take Riser," he grumbled, talking about my horse. "I don't like driving. Everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road."

I shook my head, smiling. "Papa, they aren't," I scowled, and I grinned. I couldn't help but smile bigger when his mouth disappeared underneath his white mustache in a huge smile. "They are going on the right side. It's just different from driving in America." I started to walk to the small barn in the back, knowing that he will need me to get my horse ready. "Why don't you just place mine and Pippa's bag by my room, and I'll take care of that later," I called over my shoulder. "I'll get Riser ready."

"I'll make some cookies!" Papa said, making me roll my eyes. He busted out laughing, and I knew that he was joking with me.

"Love you too," I said sarcastically before going into the barn.


I walked into the barn and closed my eyes, relaxing to the smell of horses and hay. I smiled when I heard a whicker, knowing that my six-year-old gelding had caught sight of me. I opened my eyes and looked at me black Quarter Horse, who's big head was hanging over the stall. I walked over to him, smiling. "Hey, Boy," I said, patting his neck.

Riser snorted and nuzzled me. He backed up, knowing that I would open his stall, and walked out when I did. Knowing what I needed him to do, Riser walked to one of the wash racks and stood in front of the crossties. He flicked his tail, waiting for me.

I shook my head and grabbed his tack as well as his tack box. "You are going to have to be good for my father," I said. "That means no bucking him off." I gave him a look when he rolled his eyes. "I mean it, Riser."

Riser snorted and bobbed his head. He nuzzled my shoulder, and I grumbled teasingly.

"Ya, ya. I love you, too, Bub," I grumbled, patting his neck before I started to brush him down. I hummed a tune that got stuck in my head, scrunching up my nose when I caught a whiff of Riser. "You need a bath. You've been playing in the muck again."

Riser snorted and shook his head. He tapped his hoof twice as if to say, 'no.'

"Yes," I scowled him. I looked down at Pippa when she barked and twirled around. "Yes, I know that you love baths." I grinned when she wagged her tail and yipped.

I couldn't help but shake my head and smile when Riser looked down at her and licked her coat. "You are going to get nipped at, Riser," I said when Pippa growled. I shook my head again before putting the tack on him.

"Belle, are you in here?" my father asked. "Are you done?"

"I am in here and almost done, Papa," I called, putting Riser's bridle over his head and buckling it. I checked his girth before taking hold of the reins and walking towards him. "Do you need help getting up?"

Papa nodded his head and gestured towards his heavy and short form, where a bag was hanging off of his back. "I think I will," he teased.

I shook my head and went to get a mounting block. "You need to lose some of that weight," I teased.

"How can I when I have a good cook?" he asked, and I blushed. "You make excellent cookies, better than me."

I grabbed hold of the mounting block from where it rested by the door and brought it back to my father. "You will call me when you get there, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Papa scrunched his nose. "I don't know how to use this device," he grumbled. "I have it with me, though."

I nodded my head and set the mounting block next to Riser. I looked at him and smirked. "Have one of your students help you," I teased, holding Riser. I watched as my father struggled to get onto my horse but finally made it up. "Ready?" I asked, making sure that the girth was tight once more before fixing the stirrups to fit my father's short stature.

Unlike his 5'0 stature, I had gotten my mother's height at 5'7, so when he used my saddle, I had to make sure that the stirrups were shorter. He had white bushy hair as well as a bushy mustache. Many people called him weird because he was a professor/inventor and had raised me from when I was eight by himself.

"You will be alright by yourself?" he asked, worriedly.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yes, Papa," I said. "I have Pippa to take care of me." I looked down at my dog when she barked and turned around in a circle. A smile appeared on my face while I looked back at him. "You just need to be safe."

Papa nodded. "I will," he promised. He clicked his tongue and walked out of the barn. "I'll try to call you when I am there," he yelled. "Whoa, boy!" He pulled back when Riser had snorted and taken a fast gait.

"No yelling," I laughed, moving a piece of my hair out of my face. I shook my head and walked into the house, thinking about making some cookies for him for when he got back. I hummed happily while I started to work, knowing that my horse had my father's back.  

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