Twenty-Two ; Mikey Has A Spaghetti Wedding Hat And Kelly Can Meet These Fists

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"The plan is simple." Pete paused, his hands intertwined, his serious face completely still "Five steps and that's all it'll take for Mikey Way to fall in love with me."

"Go ahead."

"Step number one: write a song, short and simple something similar to a cheer. Step number two: buy some nice roses, Mikey likes roses. Step number three: borrow Josh's cheer unifor-"

"Nope!" Josh exclaimed shaking their head "No way in hell Pete, you'd have to crawl over my dead, cold, limp corpse to get this thing off of me." they said gesturing down to their perfectly ironed cheer uniform.

"Let me finish, geez!" Pete said, rolling his eyes "Step number four perform the cheer for him. Step number five: get on one knee and say "Mikey Way, will you do the honour of going to Olive Garden with me?"

"I'm not letting you do that." Patrick groaned, legs crossed on Brendon's bed.

"It's a great idea!" Pete exclaimed.

"I agree with Patrick, although I'm a total sadist and would absolutely love to watch you humiliate yourself, we're still a squad. There's just some stuff I'll refuse to let you do." Brendon hummed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Tyler? Josh? What do you think?"

"No to the uniform and It's stupid, like you."

"Your opinion is irrelevant anyway, Josh."

"I think it's lovely."

"Why thank you Ty."

"You all suck, Tyler's blessing is all I need." Pete grinned, picking up his folder a chorus of sighs following.

"You could just ask him out normally." Patrick suggested, standing up and swiftly grabbing the folder from Pete's grasp.

"Hey! give that back!" Pete snapped, crossing his arms.

"Dude, I get that planning other peoples weddings is fun or your kink or whatever but planning your own before you've even asked the guy out is creepy as."

"Let me have a look." Brendon said flicking through the pages of the folder "Meme theme. Of course." he muttered under his breath.

"Hire seven slippery slides?" Patrick squinted, looking up at Pete as to question his wishes.

"Mikey must wear a spaghetti hat?" Josh asked, looking up from the folder shaking their head at Pete.

"It's practical, he likes spaghetti and he should be able to eat it while he walks down the aisle so he doesn't get as nervous, y'know."

"No, no I don't know." Patrick sighed slamming the folder shut and tossing it onto Brendon's bed.

"Look, I really like Mikey. Why are you all acting so mean all of a sudden!"

"I think the idea is sweet." Tyler spoke up, standing to comfort Pete "it's creative and I haven't seen Pete in anything other than black skinny jeans so it should be refreshing!"

"Pete, he's going to hate it." Patrick groaned, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll never know until we try."

"There's not a single we about this, this is a you thing!"

"We're a squad, please just help me with this." Pete pleaded, his shoulders sinking "Just help with the cheer and be there for moral support please please."

The room was completely quiet except for the sound of Brendon's pet gerbil chewing on the bars of her cage, the group all looking at each other hesitantly.

"Fine." Patrick mumbled, kicking his feet against the carpet.

"Alright." Josh smiled.

"Only because it's you." Brendon added, nodding his head.

"I call dibs on writing the cheer!" Tyler yelled, excitedly jumping up and down.


"Happy birthday dad."

"Why thank you, Tyler." Chris responded, taking his usual seat at the end of the dining table

"Thank you for the lovely food Ma!" Tyler smiled, tucking his napkin into his shirt. Eyes wide at the plates of beans and quinoa in front of him.

"Wonderful manners!" Kelly gleamed "Chris, darling since it's your special day would you like to say grace?"

"I always say grace, I think Tyler should tonight."

"Yay!" he grinned, holding his hands out and closing his eyes "where to start."

"Whatever feels right?"

"Dear lord, I'd like to say thank you for the food on my plate and for making sure my dad was born, please give him a happy birthday he deserves the best also I have a few prayers if you don't mind: I'd like to pray for Brendon because he has a geometry test coming up and he's not very good at math and he needs all the help he can get, also I pray that Mikey says yes to Pete and I Pray that Patrick has a good week because he tries his hardest at life and I pray that Ashley and Ryan do good in their sewing assignment and I pray that Lauren-"

"Honey, that's a very extended prayer." Kelly interrupted "wrap it up."

"But most importantly I pray that the three most important people in my life: Josh, Ma and Dad are always happy and healthy. Amen."

"How sweet." Chris smiled, filling his plate with food from the centre of the table.

"Who's this Josh boy?" Kelly asked, cutting up some lasagne "have I met him before?"

"You've met them informally before I believe."

"Fancy language." she laughed, turning to ask her husband about his day.

Pronouns ; Joshler + Multiship [AU]Where stories live. Discover now