EP3: DNA Screwed Up... Again

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Someone shook my shoulders and my eyes flew open. It took a few seconds for them to adjust, but when they did, it took another few seconds to process what I saw. Beast-boy knelt next to me, but it wasn't Beast-boy, his face was thinner, surrounded by short green curls, his eyes bigger and framed by thick lashes. His usually tight uniform, hung loose around his sides, his belt had fallen around his hips, which where wide, and was the only part of his uniform that still fitted. "What the...?" I began but stopped when I heard my voice, it was deep and raspy, and Beast-boy looked slightly shocked when he heard it.

"She..." he stopped himself, then continued, "He's awake Cy." his voice was higher than usual, and it broke at irregular intervals, as if trying to stay deep, but not succeeding.

"Good," said a female voice from over by the computers, Cyborg sat there, he was shorter than usual, and thinner, with a feminine style to his suit, much like when Starfire had had his powers. Frizzy, dark brown hair sprouted from his previously bald scalp, "Explain what's going on, then wake up the other two."

I looked around, the other two were lying on the ground a few feet away, Starfire, large and muscular, had ripped through most of her clothing, her hair was shorter, coming just past her shoulders, her jaw was more square and, if I'm completely honest, she was exceptionally good-looking as a man. Robin was thin, and his clothing, like Beast-boys hung loosely around him, his hair was long and straight, spread out around him on the ground, and like Starfire, was extremely good looking.

"You feeling okay?" said Beast-boy, holding out his hand to help me into a sitting position.

"Yeah, fine." I said, pulling myself up.

"You can probably guess what this gun did." he said indicating himself, "Do you wanna hear the good news or the bad news?"

"Might as well get the bad over with." I said, running a hand through my now extremely short hair.

"There is no way to reverse this."

My eyes widened in shock, "What? Then what's the good news?"

"It should only be temporary."

I let out a relieved sigh, and Cyborg chimed in, "I've been doing some tests on little miss A-cup over here,"

"Will you stop calling me that!" he said folding his arms across his almost flat chest, I chuckled, earning me a dirty look from him.

"Anyway, it doesn't look permanent, but I can't see any way to change us back, we're just gonna have to wait it out."

Almost in unison, Robin and Starfire groaned and opened their eyes. They looked at us, then themselves, Starfire let out a very un-manly shriek, and Robin just yelled "What the hell!"

It took us a couple minutes to explain everything to them, and once they were filled in, they seemed more than a little crestfallen. "Well, this has put a bit of a damper on our anniversary..."

"So... do you think that we could get some clothes?" I said, looking down at my ripped leotard, and pulling my cape self-consciously around myself.

"Well I don't think mine will fit you, you're taller than I used to be..." he looked me up and down, and I blushed slightly at his appraising gaze, "But Robins should fit you, they might be a little tight, but you have the body for it." My blush intensified when he said that, but he hardly noticed as he walked over to Starfire, taking in her new measurements. "As for you, I have no idea, you have to be at least six-three, unless Cy has some old clothes, I have no idea what I'm gonna do about you."

"Since when do you know all this?" asked Robin, as Beast-boy walked over to check him over.

"I always have. Better eyesight than normal humans remember?" he lifted up Robins shirt, checking the size of his waist, ignoring the complaints from him, then took a step back, "Ok, looks like you're roughly the same size as Raven, although with bigger boobs, that shouldn't be too much of a problem." this time Robin was the one blushing.

"What about you?" I said, still in disbelief at what I'd just seen.

"Same problem as Starfire, except I'm tiny, not massive, I'm what, five-two, five-three tops, and skinnier than a popsicle stick. Anything you guys give me is gonna be too big." he pulled his gloves off, throwing them onto the counter.

"Well you were that size before weren't you?" said Cyborg, smirking.

"Oh, ha, ha, very funny, for your information I was five foot nine, and Raven only ever wore flat shoes so that was perfectly okay!" he huffed, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Okay," said Robin, taking charge as usual, "Everyone go and get some clothes, we'll meet back here in fifteen minutes." We all nodded, then headed for our respective bedrooms, I really hope this doesn't last too long!


I hauled in a small pile of clothes I thought would fit Robin, and dropped them in front of him, taking the pile he had for me to the other side of the room, and began shifting through them. Cyborg had managed to find some sweatpants and a hoodie for Starfire, which she was now changing into. I found a pair of jeans I thought would fit, and a black T-shirt, the only thing I was worried about was underwear, oh well, I guess panties will have to do for now. I changed quickly, leaving my old clothes in a pile on the floor. Beast-boy was right, the clothes were slightly too tight, but they weren't uncomfortable, and it was better than my leotard.

"Where's BB?" asked Cyborg, looking towards the door, he was about five minutes late back from the clothes trip.

"Who knows, probably powdering his nose." I said dryly, picking up the remaining clothes from Robin and returning them, "Thanks." I said, putting them beside his old clothes.

"No problem, we'll have to go shopping for some proper clothes soon."

The door slid open, "Speak of the devil." said Cyborg, and I turned around to see Beast-boy, in a very heavily altered version of his uniform, and I have to admit, it had me blushing.

"Well Raven likes it," he said, smirking. It was an old uniform, but he had cut out the sides, leaving a strip in the middle so it wasn't too revealing, he had also cut off the arms and legs, and had found a pair of boots which fitted him. "Pretty good huh? Considering I only did it in, like, twenty minutes."

"Yeah, it's a good thing you never throw away your old junk." said Cyborg, rolling his eyes.

"I know!" he replied, apparently not sensing the sarcasm in Cyborgs voice, or just ignoring it. "So, I was thinking, I can't exactly be called Beast-boy anymore, the rest of you have, like, unisex names, but mine, not so much." 

"How about just Beast-girl?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"I think that's very becoming." I spun to look at the source of the voice, the screen at the front of the room. Pandemonium was there, it's not like I didn't expect it, I just didn't think he'd contact us so soon.

Beast-I guess I should start referring to everyone as their opposite gender, it's getting quite confusing- girl swore at him again, her face going slightly red.

"Now, is that any kind of language for a young lady to use?" He said, I could see him smirking through his mask.

"I wouldn't even be a young lady if you hadn't turned me into one!"

"Why are you calling us?" said Starfire, in his new deep voice.

"I would say to give you some information about your transformation, but I know Cyborg has already worked everything out, so I guess I'll tell you the real reason, I was curious."

"So now your curiosity has been controlled, can you go away?" I said, not really expecting him to.

"Ok, just be aware that you may get a few more curiosity visits in the future."

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