EP8: Busy.

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"It's a long story, BB'll tell you." Arella shrugged.

"Thanks for being detailed." Robin replied sarcastically.

She chuckled, "It's not important, but if you must know..." she continued speaking, but my attention was pulled away with a pair of lips to my ear.

His lips pressed down firmly, his warm breath washing over the now slightly wetted lobe. "I missed you." He whispered again, his voice low, his lips remaining close to me, his arms still wrapped around my waist, keeping my body tight to him. His fingers trailed languidly up and down my spine, sending little shivers down it at the light and tender touch, a sudden wave of relief, I had forever for these touches.

I smiled, leaning up myself to whisper in his ear, "I missed you too," I didn't kiss his ear, I knew it would get him flustered and I was enjoying his embrace too much to ruin it with something so easily avoidable. "How long have you been gone?" I asked, hiding my face in the shaggy strands of his hair. I inhaled and smiled, no matter how long it had been, he still smelled the same, a little of wet dog, because of the animal shampoo he uses, a little of something sweet, a bit like melted sugar, and just a hint of some kind of cover-up, because even if he wouldn't say it he was self-conscious about his smell even since Cyborg had teased him about it once.

"Too long." He replied, his body tensed a little, the slow, gentle strokes of my spine ceasing.

"How long?" I pressed, with my hands tracing patterns into the lines of his back with my fingers.

He sighed, "Two years, or there abouts."

I sucked in a sharp breath. I didn't even want to think about having to have to wait that long. I hugged him tighter, his body melting into my touch, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he replied calmly, leaning into my own hair, and I felt the rise of his chest as he inhaled deeply, making the corners of my lips turn upwards, "I was the one who was stupid enough to think that send you back without me was a good idea."

I smiled, nuzzling further into his thick, messy hair,  "Well, to put it in your own words, these things seem like good ideas before you do them."

He chuckled, leaning back and repositioning us so that our noses touched and we could look into each other's eyes. He touched his forehead to mine, closing his eyes with a smile and sucking in a deep breath, then letting it out slowly. When he reopened his eyes he couldn't help the look of longing from reaching me.

At that moment I was split in two. One side of my brain wanting to hold us like this forever, and the other, less savoury, side wanting to crush my lips to his, all tongue and teeth and needy touches, and drag him back to his room to find out exactly what those two years had done to him, all of him. It took all of my will power not to do the latter, because as much as I wished we were, we weren't actually alone, and I knew I would regret it in the morning when Cyborg asked us how we slept with that sly grin that I could already see. No, there would be plenty of time for that later, after all, now we had forever.

I frowned, looking over his face once again, irritated, I said, "Don't ever scare me like that again." How dare he jeopardize our forever?

He sighed, biting his lip lightly and dropping his gaze, before he once again met my eyes, "Trust me, I don't want to."

I smiled, my irritation disappearing as soon as it had arrived, "I know, I just needed to hear it from you."

He let out a light breath of laughter through his nose, the hot air brushing over my lips, dragging my attention to his, leaning forward so that it rubbed against mine, "You have no idea how good it is to see you again."

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