EP3: My Brain Fails me

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I was already halfway back when I realized I had forgotten something. It was kind of important. I hit myself internally, turning around.

"I forgot a spoon." I said, in response to the confused looks I got when I re-entered the room.

"Hey... look Raven... I..." Said Cyborg, looking sheepish.

"I don't want your apology Cyborg, and I'm not the one who needs it. If you're going to say sorry to anyone it should be Beast-girl, if you can get near her that is." I pulled open the cutlery drawer, only to find it completely devoid of spoons. I huffed, and began towards the next most likely place, the dishwasher.

"Where is she?"

"In her room, and no, you can't visit her now." I pulled the dishwasher open, plenty of spoons, none of them clean, I pulled one out.

"Why not?"

"Because she doesn't want to see anyone right now, I had to blackmail my way in." I wouldn't trust her around any of you at the moment anyway, at least if she loses control with me she won't be completely embarrassed later. I turned on the water and quickly rinsed off the spoon with a bit of soap and water. I smiled at the result, a mirror shine, just as it should have.

"Blackmail?" gasped Starfire, "Raven, why would you do such a thing?"

"Relax Star, it's not like she followed through with it, I bet you any money she was threatening to tell us their little secret." Said Robin, looking to me for confirmation.

"Your detective skills are kicking in again Sherlock." I said, rolling my eyes, and picking the ice cream back up off the counter, I did not want to have to make a third trip back.


I knocked on the door. "Raven?"

"Yes, it's me. I brought ice cream." The door slid open, and I walked inside. I looked around, but I couldn't see her, only the pile of blankets where I'd left her.

I heard the door close behind me, and I turned to see Beast-girl with an evil looking grin, "Hey, Raven!" she smiled, walking toward me, the evil look remained. Oh no, I thought, it's happening. I took a step back, but bumped into the bed and fell down, throwing the ice cream halfway across the room. "I've been waiting for you." She bit her lip as she bent over, placing her hands on my shoulders and forcing me to lay on the bed.

"Gar, stop, you don't know what you're doing, you'll only regret this later."

"Will I?" she said, pulling her knees up onto the bed, and sitting on my groin, making my heart beat a little faster, don't think about it Raven! "I don't think I will."

"Of course you don't!" I said pleadingly, "You're in he-"

She touched her fingers to my lips, moving her face closer to mine, "Shh, calm down, just let it happen." She moved her other hand down, but I grabbed it, stopping it just short of its destination.

"Gar, I love you, but I'm sure you don't want to do this. I'm also sure I don't want to lose my virginity while I'm a man, to an extremely horny female version of you who can't control her sexual desires. When we finally do do this I want it to mean something more than you were in heat and needed to, you understand that?" she sat up, looking slightly crestfallen.

"I get it, I just... I can't... I need..." she finally stopped trying, and rolled off me so she was lying next to me on the bed. "I'm sorry." She tucked her legs in, and faced her back to me like a hedgehog confronted by a predator.

Then she perked up again, sitting suddenly, and turning to face me with a mischievous grin. I sat up also, wary of the small green girl, fearing she might try something else. "You said when!"

"What?" I replied, staring at her, confused.

"You said 'When we finally have sex' not 'If we finally have sex'."

"You know I don't think I actually mentioned sex directly in there at all." I said, a faint blush crawling onto my cheeks. I rubbed the back of my head, it caught me off guard, still not used to the length of my hair.

"Yeah, but you implied it!" She said, moving closer to me, I leaned back again my shoulders hitting the headboard, and I gulped.

"It was more of a throwaway comment than an actual-"

"It's nice knowing that I can fluster you." She said, her lips getting dangerously close to mine, "No one else can say that, I get to see a whole other side of you." My eyes darted around, and my heartbeat quickened as I felt her breath brush over me. "It's nice, I like that I can make you lost for words. See," she brushed her hand down my face, and I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing would come out, "To anyone else at any other time you would have at least a sarcastic comment, but look at you now, you're completely speechless because of a little, curly haired, green girl." Again I opened my mouth to protest, but again nothing would come out, "You could easily overpower me, push me away, but you're not, because you want it, and you know you do. Just a kiss Raven, that's all I want, anything more is just a bonus." She moved her eyes, which had previously been focused on her hand caressing my face, to my eyes, and then my lips, an evil smile forging itself onto hers. "Will you do that for me Rae Rae?"

One kiss can't hurt, I found myself thinking, looking at her face so close to mine. But one kiss can hurt, I knew that if I touched my lips to hers that would be the end, she would get her bonus, and I didn't want that to happen. I tilted my head up, planting a kiss on her forehead, and pushing her body off of mine. "One day." I said, standing, and making my way toward the door, "But not today." I stepped out of the doorway, leaving a very unfulfilled Beast-girl behind me.

*End of Episode 3*

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