EP8: The Vent

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(Unknown POV)

I watched from the vents as they greeted each other and revelled in their reunion. I sighed. I was so sure I would be able to keep those two apart, and I couldn't even do that right. I couldn't even do this one job, the only thing I was hired to do. Although I supposed that they would have found some kind of time travel spell eventually, it's not the first time one of them had been misplaced in time.

In hindsight it hadn't been the best plan. No. The best plan would be to kill him outright, then he wouldn't have to worry about any of this 'love' nonsense anymore and the future would be the way it was mean to be, not whatever filth they'd created by shacking up. Why was it so hard to separate these two people that by all means should still hate each other. They had no reason to even like one another, let alone go and do something like fall in love with each other.

In any case there was nothing I could do now. My master would yell at me, call me worthless and stupid, and 'unable to do anything except sit on his ass all day'. That of course was the opposite of the truth, I worked my ass of keeping track of these imbeciles.

I gritted my teeth. Since when had his mission been to split them up anyway? He was supposed to rid the world of Raven, not play with her and try to recruit her. I knew better than to question his actions directly, but dear god, the man was insufferable, and I had every right to my thoughts while I was up here doing nothing anyway.

They continued to laugh and hug each other in turn, then some crap about how they got back. Already knew that. Then meaningless small talk. Didn't care about that. Then the ones from the future returned there. Finally, I thought, I really needed to move. Sitting in a vent for hours at a time can be pretty restrictive, believe it or not. My master certainly didn't. Or at least, he didn't seem to care.

I didn't even know why he needed me here, he had cameras planted all over the tower anyway. I twirled my leg around in circles behind me, in an attempt to get some blood back into it, then when it was feeling sufficiently oxygenated, I did the same with the other, only listening to the conversation outside the vent in the corner of my mind. They weren't going to say anything I didn't already know, not tonight anyway.

Soon, they bid each other goodnight and exited the room, allowing me the freedom to leave the vent. I carefully pushed it from its place, making sure it didn't fall and set off an alarm. I slipped out, landing softly on the kitchen counter and stretching out to loosen my stiffened limbs and suffocating muscles.

I placed the cover back on the vent. "I don't get paid enough," I grumbled to myself.

"You don't get paid at all." Laughed a figure on the other side of the room.

I gritted my teeth, "That joke's never been used before." I growled, scowling at the shadow.

"Hey, you came up with it," He replied nonchalantly. "Don't want lame jokes, don't think up lame jokes."  

"Everyone thinks up lame jokes," I retorted, beginning toward the window, "It's just that not everyone has a shadow following them around that feels the need to speak them."

"It's true," The shadow laughed, skipping up to me and throwing a black arm around my shoulders, "But you're stuck with me, so suck it up my friend."

I groaned. I suppose I should have been thankful that he hadn't been whispering in my ear for the entirety of my time in the vent -it wouldn't have been the first time. I hit the button that opened the window and launched myself out. I needed a break. A long one.

Okay, so sorry for the kinda incoherent and uninteresting part. I'll upload later this week to make up for it. Anyway, you'll still get to hear everything that happens in this part from Raven's POV, but it wasn't sure if I should put this part up before or after, so I put it up before I guess...

Honestly I need to be better at decision making... whatever... *heavy sigh* I'll deal with it when it becomes a problem. Next part sometime during the week most probably. See you soon My Lovlies <3

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