Short: I'm Back Baby

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Short number three! Hope you enjoy!

"Raven! Raven! Raven! Raven!" came a shriek from somewhere. I was having the first nice dream I'd had in a while, it was just my luck that it would be interrupted. I felt something jump on me, the weight jostling the bed, making me groan and roll over to avoid the inevitable. "Raven, get up!" the voice laughed, pulling the covers from my face and planting kisses all over it. I smiled, pulling my face away from my assaulter. 

"I'm sleeping, go away." I laughed through my pillow. My own voice caught me off guard, it was high, but broke at the end going strangely low. I opened my eyes and turned my head up to the one right above it. 

"I'm back baby." Said Beast-boy, smiling widely, leaning down close to me. Beast-BOY, the change was early. His voice cracked too, going high and low at irregular intervals, it was like déjà vu of him being fifteen again. 

"Don't call me baby again." I said, putting a hand around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss.

"Sure thing Sweetie."

"That either." I said, smiling, I seemed to smile for him more often these days. Perhaps such a blatant display of my emotions was foolish, but as I looked up into his jade eyes, shining with happiness, real, genuine happiness, it made me love him even more. His simple emotions so easy to read, his more complex ones hidden, making me dig further into his soul, and with every chip I made I discovered something more about him that I loved. So, yes I would smile, letting him know that he was the most beautiful, maybe not the most handsome or perfect, but certainly the person with the most beautiful soul I could hope to fall in love with. He laughed, pulling me from my thoughts, looking at me lovingly. That look, that was the one that let me know how much he loved me, the tenderness in those eyes was something that couldn't be faked. I stuttered, choking on my words, "I... I love you." My voice went high on the 'you', burning pink onto my cheeks.

He chuckled, "I love you too." His voice hitched up in the same place, we both laughed, and he sat up. I did with him, the shirt which had fitted me last night now way too big for me. "I can't believe we changed early! Robin, Cyborg and Starfire are all back to normal too!" he said, jumping off the bed, "I'm not sure I could, umm... be the way I was, for much longer." 

"You can say horny," I said, pulling the covers away from me, and kicking my feet off the bed, "It's not like you can deny it after you jumped me." I smiled, standing and walking toward him, glad I had chosen elasticised underwear, "Just a kiss, that's all I want, anything more is just a bonus." I mocked, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was struggling to keep a straight face as my voice continually jumped around in octaves.

"You're never gonna let me live that down are you?" he said, not meeting my eyes.

"Never. You want it, you know you do." 

"Stop it!"

"It's nice knowing I can fluster you."

"How do you remember all of these?"

"You're the one who made them memorable." I kissed his cheek, releasing him from my grip, "I'm just glad it's over," I levitated my clothes toward me, signalling with my hand for him to turn around, he did so rolling his eyes, though I did catch him trying to sneak a peek. 

I slid into my clothes, groaning with pleasure of the familiar feel on my skin. "You ok back there?" Beast-boy laughed, "You sound like your having some fun without me."

"Speaking of that," I said, turning around, and making him turn around too, "Did you ever, you know, find ou-"

"All I'll tell you is that you shouldn't check my internet history." He blushed. I snickered, his scowl making me laugh harder. "You're just lucky this didn't happen to you while you had my powers!" I stopped laughing, I hadn't thought of that, what if that had happened to me, rendered completely useless. I bet that would have made Pandemonium practically leap for joy, perhaps he would have jumped too high and floated off into space, never to be seen again. "Anyway!" he said, suddenly perking up, "I did actually come here for a reason,"

"A reason other than to see me change?"

"Yes. Robin wanted to talk to you, well, us, the whole team." His expression turned slightly irritated, "I didn't think I'd have to deal with this again." He said, rubbing his throat, "You're only supposed to go through puberty once! You guys teased me enough then."

"Aww, poor baby." I said dryly.

"You're not taking this seriously are you?"

"What gives you that impression?"

"You could at least try to be interested."

"I get the feeling that gender roles are being reversed here."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means, you're acting like the overly dramatic girlfriend and I'm acting like the apathetic boyfriend. I think we need a while to  readjust to ourselves."

"I'm manly!" His voice went extra high when he said that, making me bite my lip to contain my laughter, he seemed unfazed however, and just continued talking like he hadn't just disproved his own point right then and there, "I'm just sensitive, you know most girls would think that was an admirable quality."

"Wow, a five syllable word, I'm impressed!" I laughed, pecking him on the cheek, "What did Robin want?"

"He wanted us to meet him in the common room, he didn't say what for." He pulled his eyebrows together, "And I take offence to that."

"You should, it was an insult." I wrapped my arms around his neck, I bit my lip, smiling mischievously, "On a scale of one to apocalypse how important did it seem?" 

He seemed to catch on to what I was saying, copying my sly look, "Oh, at least a stubbed toe,"

I ran my hands down his back, standing on my toes so I was the same height as him, "Well I don't think this can wait!"

"Definitely not."

I leant in to kiss him, "Ok, that's enough, will you two get down here!" I jumped away from him, looking around for the source of the voice. My eyes finally settled on my communicator, the faces of Robin, Cyborg and Starfire all looking at us.

"We were just coming, we'd decided it was important!" said Beast-boy, he walked over to it and picked it up, bringing it over to me.

"You guys sound like a pair of pubescent teenagers." laughed Cyborg. It seemed that he wasn't having the same problems with his voice that me and Beast-boy were, "You know, I always wondered what bedroom talk was like between you two."

"Oh god, how much did you hear?" 

"All of it dude, so exactly how horny is horny?"

He swore, and I poked him in the ribs, he spoke to Jinx too much these days. "Ow!"

"You don't know horny until you've seen Beast-girl horny." I said, "It was really quite something."

Cyborg and Robin burst into laughter, Starfire even chuckled. "Is that... Is that why you were hiding?" gasped Cyborg through waves of uncontrollable laughter, "You..." he started but couldn't finish due to the laughter which was bringing tears to his and Robins eyes.

Beast-boy crossed his arms, closing the communicator. He cursed under his breath and I poked him in the ribs again, "Will you stop doing that?" he said rubbing his side.

"I'll stop doing it when you stop being such a foul mouth." I said flatly, "You know all that talking you do with Jinx isn't helping your vocabulary."

"I don't think Jinx is the problem."

"I think I only ever heard you swear once before you two became friends."

"Let's not talk about it now." 

I turned away from him, making my way toward the door, "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I suppose I can't put this off any longer." He sighed, grabbing my hand and twisting his fingers between mine. We walked out of the door, moving at a slow pace that I imagined he coordinated so he could put this off for as long as possible.

"Don't worry," I said, squeezing his hand, "I'm here to protect you from the mean old big kids."

He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder so our fingers were still tangled together, and leaning into me, "Thanks Rae Rae. I think I'm gonna need it."

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