Love at First Sight

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"Why did you do that!? I had him under control!" I yelled at Nott.

"No, you didn't. He was about to kill you. Can't let one half of the Golden Trio die now, could we?" He was angry.

"Oh, I guess not." I saw the wound on his head. "Let me fix that." I took his hand before he could say no and took him inside the Great Hall.

We sat down in an empty spot and Madam Pomfrey came with some potions to heal Nott. I told her that I could so she can help the other wounded students.

"You don't have to, you know?" He told me as I started to fix his wound.

"I don't mind, really." I was being honest even though I didn't know him that well.

"I want to apologize about my sneer laugh in 6th year during O.W.L.S Potions."

Wait, is Theodore Nott apologizing for something he did to me!?

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" I quietly asked the Slytherin.


"I'm sorry. What did you say?" I quietly asked the Slytherin.

"I want to say that I am sorry for 6th year O.W.L.S Potions. When you told Slughorn you were a muggle-born and Draco and I terribly laughed at you. Potter heard us, but I am not sure if you did really."

"Bloody Hell, I never even heard anything when I said that, Merlin sakes...."

"I am still sorry, Granger. I do hope that's alright..."

"Sure, I guess, it's alright, Nott." I was almost done with the wound.

"I think it's safe to call each other by our first names, don't you think, Hermione?" He lightly smiles at me.

"I don't see why not, Theodore." I smile at his name.

"Theo, actually." He corrected his name for me.

"Okay, Theo. You're all healed." I stand up from the seat, Harry and Ron were coming our way.

"Thank you Hermione." He stands next to me and followed where my eyes were looking at.

"I best be going, Harry and Ron are coming towards us." I was slowly walking away from Theo.

'Is it okay if I owl you this summer?" He asks, smiling happily.

"Yes, that will be great, Theo." I couldn't help, but smile back at him again.

"Thank you again, Hermione." He took my hand, bowed and kissed it.

No one in the Great Hall were staring at us and it is not the time to stare and gossip because so many have died and were wounded from the war.

I giggled quietly and Theo grins with laughter, I hadn't felt anything for him at this time because I was with Ron and even though we were both being friendly with each other, I couldn't control myself. I was whisked away by Harry and Ron before Theo could object to it.


" Bloody Hell, RonaId! I couldn't believe you would date someone behind my back!? How could you!?" I yelled at Ronald, angrliy.

"I didn't know how to tell you, Hermione! It just happened, okay!"

"For Merlin's sakes, with Lavender!? Again!? We're over, Ronald." I was staying with The Weasleys at the Burrow with Harry. I cried all the way to Ginny's room and hid myself with my books.

I decided to write to Theo and tell him, but, I wanted to leave that part out because I wasn't sure if Theo would have sent Ron into Oblivion. I would love to see that happen to Ronald after what he did to me. Once I sent the letter, I went back downstairs, to find Harry with Gin and George with Molly. Ron wasn't in sight and I couldn't care at all. Gin had the look of "He's gone to Lavender" and I shrugged it off. We all tried to comfort George out of the lot because he was the one to lost someone he grew up closer with, his twin Fred. I hadn't lost anyone except for Dumbledore, Tonks, Remus and Fred. Harry lost more than any of us and I didn't blame him. It was going to happen eventually and We missed them dearly.

Gin shook me and pointed to the window by the backyard, there was Theo's owl outside with a letter. I went to the window to let the owl in and untied the letter from his leg. Gin knew since we left Hogwarts who I had thought of everyday. We were gonna tell Harry once he wasn't so depressed with what had happened.

Dearest Hermione,

I wish to see you soon too and I hope we could get to know each other closer. If that is alright with you? I have missed your touch since you healed my wound at Hogwarts. Now that it is June, I want school to begin just so I can see you again.

Though, I said I was going to write you. Things have started happening for me, living alone in the manor with the elves. I heard you don't like the elves working for us purebloods, but somehow we can not change it now. Bloody Hell, even I tried to change their minds, they won't leave me here alone.

I am in need of some help... I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I will tell you once I see you at Hogwarts. It isn't something I should be telling over owl to you. I do as of right now want to say thank you again for saving me, though I saved you first. Give thanks to Potter for me.

My Love to you, Theo

I read the letter again and again, but I couldn't help but smile at Theo's letter. He was already sweet and charming to me. I always wanted a guy like him and I think I might be falling for him. I showed Gin the letter and she went over-heels for it, she was with Harry....

The rest of the summer, Theo and I owled each other and the letters became sweeter. I think the more I was writing to Theo, the more I was falling in love with him.

One day, Harry told us lot that he wanted to decorate Grimmuald Place to be a happier home and of course, I was very happy to help. I was just thinking of Theo all day.

I will start when they are going back to redo 7th year. Thank you!

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