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        After the honeymoon in America, Hermione and I came home to Hogwarts as she had been pregnant for three months now. So, my birthday wasn't until April. I had married, step one done. Step two, in six months, we'll have the baby or babies. We weren't sure if we were having all five at the same time or not.

My father was sentenced for killing Professor Heman and tried to kill my wife. I told Kingsley that I wanted my horrid father dead and to never harm my family again. He agreed with Harry's help.

Hermione's parents were living in the muggle world, but a week before we came home from America, they died in their home. All the death eaters were locked in Azkaban, who would kill her parents now. My wife, pregnant and depressed from the news. She wouldn't eat, she had to eat for the babies.

"Darling, please. You must eat. The babies need to grow." I set the tray for her on her lap. She nods.

"I have to go to class. Alright?" She nods. "I love you." I kiss her cheek.

"I love you, too. Please tell Harry hello for me." Hermione says, smiling.

"I will, my love."

 I left for classes, but McGonagall told Hermione to stay in bed a few days to rest before coming back to classes. Leaving her alone in our chambers at Hogwarts. 
My wife did not like that idea, she wanted us alone a bit longer and to cherish our times together before we had the babies. I wanted to, but bloody hell, I felt that it was better if Hermione was needed to be cared and loved for.


    I sat in bed, eating the food my husband gave me, but I wasn't really hungry. I was depressed as my husband might have told you already. My parents died a month ago and I am still depressed, won't leave the bed, or eat. Theo has had some patience with me, since I always try to argue with him. It must have to do with the hormones. He never fights back, or yells when I'm moody.

After I ate, I set the tray down on the floor and fell back asleep. I woke to a noise outside my chamber doors. 

"Mudblood! Where are you!? It's time be killed! La-la. Theo will never love you!" It was his father.

    How did he get inside Hogwarts? 

  I left for the floo, but he had caught me before I could leave. "Gottcha, mudblood! You're coming with me!" 

  We floo, to a manor, it must have been Nott's Manor. He kicked me, as I fell to the ground. 

"Get up, mudblood!" I stood to my feet. "Put this on!" He threw a maid's outfit at me. "You are now, my slave, mudblood." I did not, he kicked the back of my leg again and I fell. 

Two hours later, I heard voices, more than one. I was working in the kitchens as Nott commanded of me. 

"Where is she!?" Theodore shouted. "Hermione!? Where are you, love?" 

"In the kitchen!" I heard the door open and he rushed to my side. "Theo, what took you so long!?" I sobbed against my husband's chest. 

"I'm sorry, my love. I am here now." He took off the maid's outfit and waved his wand, I was in my own clothes. "Let's go back to Hogwarts." We walked out of the kitchen, seeing his father handcuffed by Harry and Ron. Kingsley reading Nott's rights, while Draco sneered at the man. 

After Kingsley finished, Harry had Draco hold the other arm of Nott, then walked over by my side. 

"Mione, are you alright? We were worried about you. Theodore came to us, saying how you were missing. So scared." He kissed my cheek. "See you at Hogwarts, Mione." Harry went over to Draco, to hold Nott's right arm and left with Ron. 

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