Hidden Away

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        Nov 8th 1998

                       Hermione's POV:

          It has been a few days since the Halloween dance and when I woke up today, I didn't feel good. I hope I was okay and for Merlin Sakes I was not well. Theo wanted me to see Madam Pomfrey to check on me and I kept saying no because it would go away. I went to my classes and I was feeling fine until Potions class. I was making Amortentia with Astoria, somehow I had the need to throw up, it all ended up in the cauldron. Professor Heman suggested I go see Madam Pomfrey and that we finish the potion next week. 

The moment of truth, was I pregnant or was not pregnant? I asked Poppy and she done muggle tests on me and within a few minutes I found out I was pregnant. I had to tell Theodore, he would be so happy. Poppy said it was alright to come back right after classes had finished to surprise Theodore. 

After classes finished, I took my fiance to the Hospital Wing and he was very confused to why he was there at all. I laid down on the bed and the monitor that was a muggle device to show inside my body. Theo was frightened and I assured him that it was okay. 

"Love, are you alright? I have been worried since Potions." The worry in his voice told me he will be worried about me for the rest of my life. 

"Yes, I am alright, dear. I want you to see this." I saw Madam Pomfrey place the monitor stick on my stomach. "See there, that little speck?" I pointed on the screen. "That's our baby, Theo." I turn over to look at him and I noticed the wetness in his eyes. "Theo, it's alright. There's no need to be upset."

"I am crying because of how happy this is making me. Are you sure? I need to be sure with a wizard test, please." Madam Pomfrey agreed. 

We did the wizard pregnancy test, the mist was green and it was positive. Theo was overjoyed and wraps an arm around me. Madam Pomfrey let us go and we went down to the Slytherin Common Room. 

"Mione, are you alright? Is it serious? Are you dying?" Pansy asks, worried. 

"I am fine, Pans. I'm not dying. Let's just say, I am going to be better than alright."

"What are you on about? Tell us, Mione." Astoria got excited. 

"She's pregnant. The baby will be here sooner than we expected." Theo tells his friends. 

The girls freaked and were overjoyed and asked many questions. 

After an hour with the Slytherins, we headed to The Great Hall for dinner and I sat with the Gryffindors because the whole lot and my friends don't know I had changed houses secretly. I pretended like nothing has happened and gone like normal with Harry and Ron. Ginny always sat next to me and Neville across from her. I talked to Ginny about my plans for the wedding and what I wanted. She then asked about the Snakes and how would they be apart of the wedding. 

"That's easy, Gin. Astoria, Pansy and Daphne will be bridesmaids with you and Luna. It's you who will be Maid of Honor." 

"Oh, I forgot how close you have gotten to be with them. Blimey Mione, Ronald has no idea that you have been around Theo and those lot, every single day. I cover for you, Hermione and Harry too. You know much Harry has gone through enough. I asked him and he said it was alright to cover for you. I thought he would have given up just to keep Ron in line, he hadn't because you being his best friend, Mione."

"You don't need to cover for me, Gin. I have some amazing boys to cover me now. If you feel like Ronald would come after me, it's alright. Theo, Draco, Blaise and Gregory will deal with him. I am very happy you and Harry would take cover for me to Ronald, but he has to get used to Theo being with me, that's all." 

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