HoneyMoon to America

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          The four came up with the wedding plans, with the help of Harry, Ginny, Neville, Luna, Pansy, Daphne, Goyle, Blaise and Narcissa. Theo knew the risk we were taking together and it was the only way to get his father imprisoned again. Harry had some aurors on the plan to be at the wedding. Narcissa suggested the manor for the plan and once Mr. Nott had gone, we would move to another location. Draco told her that it was best if we just had it at the manor and finish there anyway. Astoria said she didn't officially wanted to get married until after they finished 7th year. I couldn't say no to my end of the fake wedding because it was a real wedding to the rest of my life. I don't really mind anymore and it's with the love of my life.  

"Love, we should get back to our common room." Theo says, taking my hand. 

"Alright, dear." I agreed and we left. 

We get to our Head Common Room, Theo pulled me into his arms and carried me to his room. He laid me down on the bed and crawled over my body. Within five minutes, we were already making love and being a few days pregnant wasn't going to hurt us. I knew that after the wedding he was going to be mine for the rest of my life and I was going to be his forever. 

After the sex, we cuddled together and Theo was kissing me from above my breasts to my jawline. I was loving it--no, I was crazy horny for it. Bloody hell, I wanted Theo to do more on my body. Eventually he had fallen asleep, his back towards me and I noticed the animals on his upper left back, a snake and a lion. Why is his different than mine? I had to ask once he woke up. 


"Dear, could you tell me why there's a snake and a lion on your back? And I don't." I asked my fiance. 

"When engaged couples go through the bonding ceremony, sometimes we receive different marks. This time, we have different marks because-- for one, you're a Gryffindor and I am the Slytherin. It is why I have them both on my back. Secondly, you have tigers because you call me Theo-Tiger all the time and it told us how many we were having before we even knew." He kissed my stomach and my lips before he got up to shag me some more. 

"I love you, Mione." He says, as he entered. 

"I love you too, Theo-Tiger" I responded moaning. 

"You're so good, love. You feel great too." He went and went while I moaned in delight. 

~~~  ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 

I screamed in pain as my back arched off the bed and I cried while it was making noises on my back. Theo came rushing in and turned me to my side, he gasped and held me in his arms until I calmed down from the bloody pain. Finally the pain subsided and he turned me back to my side, this time I was scared to know what had happened. 

"Mione, how do you feel with more than two?" He was nervous and took my hand in his. 

"How many?" 

"Five..." He whispers. "Five, love." 

"Five! Five! We had two after the bonding. Why five? Is it because we had sex two days ago...."

"I suppose so, darling. We will get through this, love. I promise you. Five little cubs of our own." He rubs my tiny belly and kissed my forehead. 

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 

The day of the wedding came, we were all in The Malfoy Manor and knowing Theo's father would come and see Draco and I get married. Though, he had come to the manor many hours earlier to speak with Draco. I had to come along with him while Theo and Asy hid in the next room to listen on Theo's father. 

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